We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Cosy – or Not?

Surely it’s a winter thing, cosiness –

a matter of blankets and log fires,

of curling up on a couch with a good book,

cuddling with a furry dog or cat,

or hugging your favourite person.

It’s hot scones fresh from the oven,

your grandmother’s well-padded lap

when you were small, or your Mum’s

comforting arms, your Dad’s firm chest

to lean into, safe and sound.

It can’t be a summer thing –

when instead of hunkering down

we open, spreading our arms

to the broad sky, the sunny air,

the call of forest or ocean.

Summers, we go out – bold 

for new adventure, eager to embrace

rather than be embraced by

life in its many joys. We leap, 

shed our clothes, dance, celebrate! 

Written for Friday Writings #56: Cozy at Poets and Storytellers United. (But I spell it Australian, i.e. UK English not USA.)


  1. Everything is so weather driven! And with the weather getting cranky and extreme, wonder what will happen to our summer travel days and winter cosiness... sigh! And I link every season to food- that's the first thing that will possibly get impacted!

    1. Yes, I'm possibly harking back to the past a bit. Also it came partly from the thought that 'cosy' is not exactly what leaps to mind here at present, when it's sweltering!

  2. Love those scones. I never miss a tea when it's there.
    Guess that's the English and Manx fourth parts of me. I like the influences of coziness you bring, all familiar to most readers.

  3. Yes, cozy brings winter to mind.

  4. Yes coziness is a winter thing which you described beautifully.....you forgot to mention the woolly socks! :)

  5. Oh, Rosemary that's so true! I had a grandma like that. And how we love summer, when we shed our clothes and leap for joy. Now it's the hunkering down season.

    1. Happy hunkering, you up there in the Northern Hemisphere!

  6. If winter feels like joy spiraling in, then summer is assuredly joy spiraling out. I love the sweetness of this piece. It feels like something that should go into my BOS for both the winter and summer solstice.

  7. There's no winter here, and the cold we have is out in a storm at night, or someone has turned the air-con to freezing temperatures. Cosy, sure, when snuggling with a loved one on a cold night. :)

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you, anonymous. I wish you had added your name!

  9. Summer has its own comforts. I agree: coziness connotes warmth on a cold day, more than the reverse--although a cooling drink or a dip in cool water is certainly comforting.

  10. This is just wonderful, Rosemary! Makes me nostalgic for childhood. Thank you for visiting my blog! I am so happy to find your writing!

  11. I never thought about cozy’s association to winter. So true. In one season we huddle, in another we break out like new chicks.


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