We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Dear Messy House

Dear messy house

I wrap you around me –

my Hermit cave.

Dear messy home,

I spread you around me –

my overflowing writer’s desk.

Dear mess, 

I place you around me –

tools for my convenience.

Dear me –

I gaze around myself

and realise there’s a problem.

Dear merciful gods,

please gather around me

and explain how it is

that when everything’s tidy,

I can’t find anything I need –

yet at a certain point 

when the place

gets messier and messier – 

I can’t find anything I need!

Written in response to Friday Writings #57: Repeating Oneself, at Poets and Storytellers United.


  1. Ha ha.. I can relate to that...sometimes I have everything boxed and labelled and yet the one thing I need won't be in any of them... some kind of sadistic Murphy's law thing!! :) :)

  2. This is "Truth #107" in by book, Rosemary. That's the way it is in our house too. Every other Wednesday a lady comes to our house to clean. Of course we have to put our scattered stuff away for her to clean, really because we don't want her to see or trouble our messy mess. I haven't found a few things since XXX cleaning day.
    Thanks for all the hard work you do for the P&S United blog I will miss the exercising of my slowly developing talents.
    See you on the next hill.

    1. Ha ha, perhaps I'll manage to tidy up during the holiday break. Thanks for the good wishes! See you in the New Year.

  3. Makes me want to learn to love my clutter and ask how it serves me.

    1. Oh yes, if one is going to have clutter, may as well love it and know its value in one's life – LOL.

  4. Me, too (mess or no mess: "I KNOW it's around here somewhere..."

  5. You've painted a picture of my life! How did you know? May the year's end be gentle with you, Rosemary. Thanks for all you do here at Poets and Storytellers United.

    1. From other comments, I begin to suspect it's many poets' lives! Thank you for the thanks (smile).

  6. I can totally relate. When the creative clutter reaches a certain point (depth?) it's time to tidy things up, put them away, then resume the creative cluttering.

  7. Ha! I can totally relate. I've been asking my closet the same thing for some time now.

    I really enjoyed the tone of poem, fun and real.

  8. I feel I need to organise this mess so I will sit and write some poetry until the feeling passes. Merry Christmas Rosemary !

  9. I can totally relate to this. My writing (typing) desk is running out of space.
    I like how your poem progresses, from 'messy house' > messy home >mess > me> merciful gods, a repetition of 'me'.

    Have a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! :)

    1. Thank you! It seems all my readers can relate, lol. I'm glad you enjoyed my games with repetition.

  10. Wouldn't it be so very nice and convenient if a personified mess could reveal its secrets?

  11. hahahaha. I know this well. I put things in order, voila, where the heck did I put this and that. At least with mess, I can search high and lo without having made a mess. I love your cheerful poem, Rosemary. Merry Christmas!

  12. What were you doing in my house, Rosemary?! :-D I totally relate! It's the creative mind at work, its tentacles spreading in all directions at once making things happen! Enjoyed this :-)

    1. Ha ha, you and every other poet in this community, it seems. So your explanation must be true!

    2. Ha ha ha Rosemary you have struck a chord with everyone indeed. Merry Christmas

  13. I love this so much. And I can totally relate!


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