We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


New Direction

For Judith

Shedding old hurts and burdens

along with the ex and, finally, the house —

the furniture packed (what he hasn’t 

wrecked or hidden) and the paperwork, 

in all it’s complications, nearly done — 

she gets her long, long tresses cut.

No more winding them into a rope 

at the back of her neck, or coiled 

like a snake, heavy on her head. 

New wings curve lightly to her cheeks,

and her whole face is bathed in light.

A sudden turn, a pivot, into freedom!

Sharing this with Friday Writings #62: Pivot, at Poets and Storytellers United.


  1. "what he hasn't wrecked"... is ominous. Freedom from that must be such a relief. And a makeover is a good way to signal a new beginning.

  2. Love this Rosemary, too many women are saddled with a very unhappy marriage, sometimes even dangerous. I had three years of freedom, after thirteen things were bad off plus she had a romance with one of her students, an adult for a medical class. My freedom included a motorcycle, a little dating, and lots of reminiscing. My second, her first, time will expire this February with 50 years. We plan to renew our vows.

    1. It's lovely for both you and Mrs Jim that your second time around turned out so happy. The nasty fellow in the poem was my friend's second and I don't think she is the least bit interested in trying matrimony again. But she is having a good time recovering herself — quite a journey! — and finding new friendships.

  3. When it is necessary for freedom and sanity, this pivot is an essential move. How wonderfully you describe it Rosemary.

  4. I just love the part about her hair and what cutting it means in a deeper sense. Brilliant.

  5. I hope this next phase of her life brings a lot of happiness and freedom.

  6. Poor Judith. There are so many like her. I am pleased she has some respite now and found some peace....from.Cressida

    1. One thing that helps is that she has found her own powerful poetic voice.

  7. I find that optimistic. A new turn in life.

  8. Perfect example of a 'pivot'. Cutting your hair, and cutting out Mr. Nasty.


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