We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Home for Me

Home for me must have a cat.

And for that cat – there have been 

many, each in turn, in their time, 

the most important in the world –

for that cat, I say, my home must be 

their home, their own, with every 

comfort, all safety, each need met,

where they are always loved, and where

they know they are free to be loving. 

Written for Friday Writings #96 at Poets and Storytellers United: What, for you, conjures up Home?


  1. Love the last line... Don't have a cat but I want to print it out and give it to a few humans too :)

    1. The love in a home doesn't have to be from / with a cat. It can work as well with a dog, or a child, or another adult, or ....

  2. The unconditional love we give to and get from our pets does most certainly add warmth to a home. And in the case of a cat, sometimes a little supernatural enchantment and good luck as well.

  3. Sadly our beautiful cats have passed....both enriched our lives and certainly they make a home. I am pleased that you understand and love cats.....Rall

  4. YES I love cats and we had a few as well. They do make a home a home

  5. Lucky cat! My home needs a woodstove and to have no other houses right next to it. Lucky me.

    1. What wonderful characteristics! I can 'get' the homey feeling in your words.

  6. And L.O.V.E. love turns even the most humble of places into a real H.O.M.E. home, for people and pets alike! ♥

  7. Written like a true cat lover! Your cat is a lucky cat. He looks like mine!

    1. Yes I am a true cat lover! I think I am lucky to have her.

  8. You do very well with the cats. We had one, she was great. Couldn't train her to be a house cat, we turned her out. She mostly stayed our yard, would bring us field mice, little snakes and a lot on the back door step. She is buried in her haunt, the flower bed beside the garage, about eight feet from the back door, now her bod is to sleep beneath a climbing rose.
    I brought her home from work, at noon coming from lunch, a little boy had her in a cardboard box with some other kittens. With heavy fluffy fur, out daughter named her Farrah Fawcet, we added the French Minou to follow the other two.

  9. Wonderful! I know I mentioned my dog in my poem, however I do have two spoiled indoor cats too.

  10. It is most appropriate to have a cat as a companion. It is lovable and clean. It is cuddly and loves to be pampered. Good choice Rosemary!


  11. i always think of cats as very independent, free creatures. One of the features of our apartment blocks are the "community" cats, roaming around the blocks. They do not seem to have owners but they look well fed and at night they seem to have found places to rest. :)

    1. They can be very independent creatures, which stands them in good stead in situations such as you describe. But they can also be very appreciative of a comfortable home and a loving human, and return that love in full.

  12. I have been blessed with 6 children and a wonderful husband. But - I have also loved many cats in my life and now I have three dogs that make this house a home :). Animals certainly allow us to love even more!


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