We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


The Smell of Suntan Lotion


The smell of suntan lotion, 

and I’m straight back

to that beach in Bali

that afternoon, with Bill

and our little boys.

It was 1973, our first

holiday outside Australia.

We were carefree, 

and full of wonder. 

We still loved each other.

Written for Friday Writings #93: Scent of a Poem at Poets and Storytellers United.


  1. A beautiful poem, Rosemary. And such a powerful last line that hints at more of the story - the hallmark of a great poem!

  2. I agree with Sunra... that last line is its own story. Bali looks so wonderful in all the internet pictures... maybe someday!!!

    1. And thank you too. I hear that people still find beauty in the place and the people, but I'm glad I experienced it at the very beginning of the tourist boom when it was still largely unchanged by that.

  3. Oh, that poignant last line! Scents hit the brain and like a time machine take us to a place and a memory of what once was but will not be again.

  4. Mrs. Jim and I were married in February 1973. We still love each other. Love changes faces with longevity and age. Never been to Bali, and it fell off our bucket list. I liked your poem, you can see how it brings memories.

    1. Bill and I married in 1966, after a year de facto before that. We divorced in 1992. I don't think we ever really stopped loving each other – but not enough, or in the right kind of way, to stay married. We didn't realise, until they grew up and moved out, that for a long time the kids had been the glue that held us together.

  5. Those last three lines hint at an ending and beginning. I'm glad there is joy remembered in them.

    1. I'm glad of that too, and as time goes on the joy is more and more what I remember.

  6. The two words "suntan lotion" shot me back in time to Gibraltar, as I read them, and the scent of Ambre Solaire hit my nose-memory at the same second... All pleasant thoughts.
    But then - smack! Your last line poured a bucket of cold water over me - metaphorically speaking. A real, punchy read.

    1. Well, for me that memory is a mixture of happy and sad, obviously – but I'm glad that the memory I sparked for you was a pleasant one.

  7. Perfect little vignette Rosemary... So much said here... Bold and to run it all from the smell of the sun tan lotion. This is poetry... Regards Scott Hastie

  8. 1973....Bali is very different now but still magical to a degree. Lived there on and off for years but now happy to stay in OZ. ...Rall

    1. Same. (Well, didn't actually live there, though contemplated it, but had several longish visits.)

  9. Amazing - you had me right from the title. I was back to my life guarding days.

  10. That's a lot of story for so few words!

  11. Sorry I'm so late with this! But wow, yes, the last line reveal makes all those little details all the more poignant.


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