We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


My Holiday Anxiety

Alone, elderly, widowed, 

the family all scattered —

what I dread about Christmas

is the kindness of rescuing friends …

but refusals would seem

not only rude, ungrateful, but weird.

So, false polite thanks as they drag me

from sweet Pagan solitude. 

Actually, I did tell the friend who invited me this year, 'I don't really do Christmas.' But she said, ' Wouldn't you just like to come for a nice Vegan meal?' Put like that, it did sound nice, and I accepted happily.

This poem started out to be a sijo, but I needed an extra line, so I'm calling it an extended  sijo.

Written for Friday Writings #157: Holiday Anxieties.


  1. This brief poem carries a lot of truths...sometimes the kindness can get weird but a home-cooked meal is always a wonderful offer. I do love the sound of sweet, pagan solitude. That said, do pop in anytime you have the craving for Indian food!! :) :)

    1. Thank you, how I wish I could pop in and visit with you.

    2. (PS I think it's my desire to retreat into aloneness which is weird, really.)

  2. How lucky you are to have such kind and loving friends....so many are left alone not by choice. Enjoy the holidays

    1. Indeed I am very blessed in my friends, and after all I can indulge my introversion at other times.

  3. I see nothing weird about enjoying Pagan solitude, especially if rescuing friends are celebrating differently...but nothing wrong with enjoying friends while they're here, either.


    1. I think enjoying solitude at all, or the great stretches of it which I like, is something that most people don't quite understand. And Christmas is considered to be a family time, during which people on their own can get very miserable. So I appreciate people's concern to make sure I'm celebrating with others, although in my case it's misplaced.

  4. Sometimes things are very different from people's perception, but then you have to play along. Nicely written

    1. In truth it's not a serious problem, just a bit different from most people's holiday anxieties.

    2. *pagan solitude " is s novel expression

    3. My persional spiritual path seemed worth mentioining, as it explains why I am happy in solitiude rather than joining others in the conviviality of their Christian celebration.


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