We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Low Battery


My battery is failing gradually: not 

all at once with a sudden, silent stop

but blinkingly, haltingly, bit by bit …

interrupting itself with sudden (brief)

upsurges of vigour, effervescence, life.

Life is a long journey of body and mind

if we’re lucky and don’t lose it early –

though some might think that fortunate,

whose lives are painful, restricted, sad.

Mine’s been long, and mostly good.

But where in the body is the battery? 

Which organ houses my get-up-and-go, 

my being on? What is my source 

of vital energy? Can’t be the brain: 

that’s not failing, not seriously yet. 

But the body limps, hunches, hesitates,

has become reluctant to move forward

into all its many responsibilities

(except the ones involving sitting,

such as writing this, or any poem).

I rule out the heart. Also the intricate

digestive bits. The doctors have got them 

well controlled with medications, all

functioning as well or better than before –

except for the gall bladder: disabled.

Oh, and the tonsils, long gone. Otherwise 

I’m intact. Er, well, that word suggests

the sexual. I’m not of course intact

in that way, not since my twenties. So now

at 85, I can answer a famous question.

When does desire stop? Truthfully,

my answer is the same as that legendary

French countess (whose name 

I forget!) who said, ‘You must ask

someone else. I am only 72.’

But at 85 I can tell you: though desire 

is not gone exactly, it has reduced. 

It has slowed, eased off, become less

urgent, intractable, fierce … just like 

my whole physicality… Ah, so that’s it!

Written for Friday Writings 150: Low Battery at Poets and Storytellers United.


  1. A very reflective piece and very close to my heart (which I hope will beat on for a bit yet.)

  2. What a wonderful gift you give us - both in words and message - Jae

  3. Can you please use your magic powers on me so someday I can take a topic so difficult and write like this: effortless and conversational... perfect!!! No one else can get gall bladder, age, French countess and sexuality into the same poem! Loved it!

    1. Ah, your high praise made me giggle – with delight!

  4. It must be all that fresh country air.. although it may have something to do with living in the Northern Rivers (nudge nudge wink wink:)

    1. The fresh country air is good, yes. As for that other, not my thing.

  5. A battery drained describes it well. Ah that vigor ... seems like at some point we can't recharge it.

  6. I get it! It's not all drained at once but the charge is lowered. I like this sort of stream of consciousness.

  7. Oh great poem Love the reflective art and the overview of all the things getting low. Had to love at the countess.

    1. Yes, it's a great story, isn't it? I read it somewhere many years ago.

  8. Being off the hormone cycle has been the best thing about being 50...oh well, condolences!

    Pris cilla King

    1. Ah yes, there is that! But by now so long ago for me, I'd forgotten that blessing to be counted.

  9. You are fierce! And I would say desire never goes away. Our bodies might be stiff and sore but our minds are sharp as that proverbial tack!! This made me think of that old song, "My get up and go, got up and went". But only in the moment. In writing to the prompt I thought of a place where my battery can be recharged. Happy 2025!

    1. Happy 2025 to you too! I'll be keen to have a look and see what you wrote.

  10. Rosemary, you are as the kids say #goals. Congrats on a life well lived and this frank piece that made me smile. Old age is something that happens to all of us (if we are lucky) and I hope when I reach mine I will find as much peace and purpose in it as you do.

    1. Thank you. As I am fond of saying (unoriginally) about old age — the alternative is worse.

  11. I like the musings about our ageing bodies. But the important thing is to keep the mind active. Like doing writing and painting. Let us all stay alert and healthy in 2025.
    I would like to know that French countess' s name. :)

    1. Damn, I'd like to know her name too, and whether she was indeed a countess or perhaps a princess. But so long ago; I only recall the most important message of that story.
      Yes to writing and painting, and staying alert and healthy!

  12. Well, it sounds like to me that you are every bit in control of body and mind ~ and we can expect more of the "Rosemary we Love" many more years! I especially enjoyed the way you described 'desire' which is something my book club ladies and I discuss from time to time if we have read a particularly romantic novel ~~~~ the gradual lessoning. But what do I know? I'm only seventeen!

  13. Good question, where is our battery located? I'm going to be thinking of this for a while! I've been utterly exhausted for quite some time, so wherever that battery is, it needs help.

    1. I think your doctor might be the best person to answer that question in your case! Utter exhaustion over a long period is a very different thing from a gradual slowing down.

  14. This is a fantastic poem, Rosemary. An introspective of the many Rosemary's.
    Sitting and writing feels physical to me. As far as desire, the opportunity has not presented itself in quite a while . . . but I still have it.

    1. Welll, we inhabit physical bodies, so when you put it like that, I suppose everything we do is physical really. I'm glad you like the poem!


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