We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


No Poem

No Poem

If a poem lovely as sunset
should live within me somewhere,
I'd fetch it out and give to you
to wrap around your hair – 
but your hair is brighter than sunset.

If a poem lovely as a butterfly
should wander through my air,
I'd send it to go and kiss your lips –
but your lips are gentler far 
than a poem or even a butterfly.

So, matchless one, I must come without a poem
to kiss your soft, sweet lips and stroke your shining hair.

Written for the prompt, Micro Poetry ~ A Poem Lovely As at 'imaginary garden with real toads'.


  1. A poem has to be on a pedestal far higher for its privileged position befitting of the feelings for the loved one!


  2. Beautiful sentiments and when we found someone like this, its difficult not to write a poem!

  3. This is beyond beautiful, Rosemary! 💞 I love the image "but your hair is brighter than sunset." 😊

  4. That's a lovely verse, Rosemary. So tender, sweet and heart-warming. Ha! I so love the closing lines.

  5. Gorgeous, Rosemary, I'd love a poem lovely as sunset in my hair. :)

  6. "Should I compare thee . . . " Better than Shakespeare!

  7. Yes, I agree with Susan! Better than Shakespeare!

  8. Wow Rosemary - I really love how you've used the prompt line so well, in each stanza, and fashioned these wonderful images ... and have given them voice, and lightness, a gentleness that is ephemeral - and yet the images linger within our minds; that is no subtle work of creation!

    and "so, matchless one" ... that is just absolutely striking, what a great way to start the closure!

    well done ~ I really like this poem!

  9. So lovely! Gorgeous images, my friend.

  10. Oh wow, Rosemary.. this is a fine piece of writing. You had perfect control of pace, form and theme.

  11. Love of this type does leave a poet wordless.

  12. to be the poem itself (or) it seems the lover is lovelier than a poem.

  13. When nothing is as lovely as one's love, that has to be one special person. Gorgeous, Rosemary!

  14. Gifts are easy to give but it is yourself that must be given unconditionally when in love.
    How beautifully the poem reads Rosemary.

  15. But it will still be fine. The person of your should's is not to be found. But I loved reading this little wistful poem, in only ...


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