We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


An Address to God

An Address to God

The weeds in the corner are flowering, blue
against the canopy of thick dark green: such
bright dots. Who put them there? You?

Mister God (or, as I prefer, Ms God) who
if not you? You can do the little as well as the much –
even those weeds in the corner, flowering blue.

But I think of the Nature Sprits too,
whom we sometimes glimpse but can never touch:
bright dots! Who put THEM there? You?

Are they the ones who sprinkle the dew
on your behalf, and create that lush
growth of weeds, that flowering, that blue?

In my tiny garden, where there once grew
orderly plantings, now the wild blooms thrust
their bright dots. Who put them there? Who?

I was sad, and I think the Nature Spirits knew 
and decided to surprise me sweetly (hush!)
with weeds in the corner flowering blue.
But who put me here to enjoy them? You!

Second piece submitted to dVerse Forms for all – the Villanelle


  1. Hopefully the gifts of nature are enough to bring one joy. I like this part:
    surprise me sweetly (hush!)
    with weeds in the corner flowering blue.

  2. Excellent use of a difficult form.

  3. I love this so much. The nature spirits and i once gardened lavishly, in rows. But now i love a natural yard, full of nature's bright blue surprises. Such a wonderful poem, Rosemary.

  4. I love that final twist. I think you are a star at this form.

  5. Such a great way to use punctuation to change the meaning slightly... really love the thought of weed being put there to surprise you... and indeed many weeds are wonderful flowers.

  6. Fantastic. Such a delightful confession of confusion, surprise, and willingness to stay in awe -- with or without supreme spirits.

  7. Oh this is lovely. Makes me think of fairy houses tucked away under the wildness growing.

  8. You are so adept with this form ~

  9. Hi, Rosemary, just to let you know, I'm having problems opening your third piece? It keeps timing out.

    1. I was fiddling with the blog a little while ago, changing fonts and things. Maybe that was the cause of the problems. If not, I have no idea how to fix it, sorry.

  10. a delightful treat, you know this form well!


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