We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Secret Blue

Secret Blue

They think I love purple best.
They see me tenderly nurture
my small pot of hearts-ease,
surround myself with amethyst,
wear clothes in all shades
from soft lavender to rich magenta –

but no, my longest, deepest love
is for blue – deep blue,
the colour of ocean
(the Pacific, that jewel
adorning these shores)
or the unequivocal, singing blue 
of a sunlit sky in high midsummer,
uninterrupted vista ...

the blue of cornflowers 
and sky-high mountains,
a love I shared with my Dad
when I was very young, before
I was disillusioned, learning him
selfish and weak ... but
the love of blue remains
(and of cornflowers and mountains).

Blue is the colour 
of my true loves' eyes –
two of my husbands,
three of my lovers:
(divided differently) three 
the pure, soft blue
of the sky in Spring; 
two the blue of the sea
lit with bright turquoise,
or the centre of a flame.

The darkest blue is the sapphire
in the ring you gave me –
dear third husband
and last lover –
to declare your love 
and mark our marriage.
The gold band is now so thin ...
and you gone seven years into death ...
I finally took it off. 

But I see it still without even looking:
a depth of blue so enduring 
it might be mistaken for black –
and far within, when I gaze,
that flash of hidden, constant light.

Written for Thotpurge's Poetry Tuesday #4 – Blue

And shared in Writers’ Pantry #4 at Poets and Storytellers United.


  1. "That hidden, constant light" - that ring deserves this beautiful tribute poem! Love what you've done with the five blues divided two ways... this poem tells me to find all the beauty I can in life and treasure it closely! Thank you, Rosemary, for your poems and your support for Poetry Tuesday!!

  2. Your last love the best love. Andrew probably sneaked a sixpence into your shoe during the wedding reception without you noticing:)

  3. After black, blue is my favourite colour, with purple not far behind, so I love this poem, Rosemary. I love the lines:
    ‘…the unequivocal, singing blue
    of a sunlit sky in high midsummer,
    uninterrupted vista ...’
    ‘…I see it still without even looking:
    a depth of blue so enduring
    it might be mistaken for black –
    and far within, when I gaze,
    that flash of hidden, constant light.’

  4. This is an ode to blue and love, Oh, I'd say you have been lucky in blue!

  5. Such lovely blue things you remember here and spread out for our delight. Everyone thinks I love purple best, too, and for years, I did. But now it is green - the colour of nature. And blue - the colour of the sky, which I took for my poetry name. I especially love that flash of light in the sapphire. Like a shining memory of love.

  6. Never good news when a love has departed but that ring you are safely keeping reminds so well.
    Blue is in the majority with my clothing count, I am glad you like it too. My eyes are green, I never wanted Blue, my dad's were blue.

  7. Blue is a magical colour - i love how you capture it so wonderfully

  8. My goodness this is beyond beautiful, Rosemary!💝 I especially love; "the unequivocal, singing blue of a sunlit sky in high midsummer, uninterrupted vista." My love's eyes are blue as well, with the slightest hint of green!💝

  9. I suspect that "constant light" is fed by the warmth and shine of your soul, dear Rosemary. Nothing adds to the power and life of beauty like love. And you, my dear friend, have been loved and have loved so much. Blue (even when it looks almost black) looks happy on you.

  10. Cool coincidence: Just as I started reading this, my music shuffled to Joni Mitchell singing "Blue", so I got two masterworks simultaneously!

  11. Oh how this poem made my heart smile, and cry out as well. A beautiful poem to blue and to love. I love the deep blue of the autumn sky in this hemisphere and the color of my Brad's eyes. So much love in this poem.


  12. But I see it still without even looking:
    a depth of blue so enduring

    Obsessed with unending forms and colors can be unwittingly revealing !


  13. I see it without even looking. First I thought I read this before, then I thought I wrote it! A dream poem?

  14. Blue blue God loves you is a little chant we sang in primary school🎈😊🎈
    Happy Sunday Rosemary


  15. Blue is so easy to love, and I love how you tied it to the best of your lovers and what's caught in that ring.

  16. What a lovely tribute to your last and best love. Poignant and touching.

  17. Wow I come to love the colour blue now too through your poem. "the Pacific, that jewel
    adorning these shores" This speaks to me as we are blessed with the Pacific as well and yes it's colour is gorgeous and love these last lines

  18. How beautiful this poem is Rosemary. Reading it I had the urge to write something similar for myself to paint my own picture as it were. I am sure we all have our stories tucked away which we should write even only for ourselves.

  19. I, too, love blue, Rosemary. I have never written a poem about all the ways that 'blue' speaks to me but … you make me want to ~ smiles ~ what a wonderful story-of-blue. All the ways that it has touched your life … are like chapters … the emotional connection so perfectly evoked, the reader is able to fill in so much that goes unsaid. I often think that words seem inadequate when putting to paper some of our most powerful, visceral associations. In this piece, I think you've come about as close to doing that … as any mortal could. This is inspired … and inspiring. Beautiful writing!

  20. Currently I am travelling, with very limited internet access, but just wanted to say I much appreciate all your kind comments. (And hope you get to see that I said so.)

  21. I was really caught up in this story of blue. Your love of nature's blues, the contrast between dad and husband, that intriguing uniquely dark sapphire that could be mistaken for black. You captivated me with your deep connection to it all.

  22. Goodness, this is so beautiful. I am really left speechless by it. So glad I stopped by to read it.

  23. Sad but laced with joy...

  24. A beautiful ring and stone! I have a pair of earrings to match it. I adore the color blue but could have never expressed it like you did here. This was beautiful, just like the woman loved by many men in her lifetime. You have lived a full life and still you live fully!


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