We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


This Moment Pictured

At Poets and Storytellers United's Weekly Scribblings #45 Magaly invites us to be inspired by one or more of these three pictures:

"Beautiful YOU are" by Magic Love Crow

"Delightful Donkey" by Gina Morley

"Carnival Dreams" by Shelle Kennedy

(I chose them all.)

This Moment Pictured

The great bird is soaring

in blazing splendour,

lifting our gaze away

from the small donkey 

left standing exposed – 

which once looked so cute,

with the crown on his head

and the cross displayed on 

his proud brow, but now 

seems only foolish.

And we do gaze,

with eyes that have seen 

much trouble, but 

are wide open because of 

all we could not 

go on looking away from.

We open our hearts –

revived, hopeful, triumphant –

and hold them high 

like flags.


  1. "... all we could not go on looking away from." I so like that. As well as how what was pleasing to the eye ("cute") now just looks foolish, and I would hope those looking on feel foolish as well!

    1. It can take a long time for some people to admit the emperor has no clothes (to change the reference).

  2. How wonderfully you have absorbed and pictured these images into your poem..

    1. I felt very uninspired for 24 hours ... then suddenly it all fell into place. Our current preoccupations will come through!

  3. How relieved so many of us are at the recent news that surely lessens the fear of what might have happened. My mind went back to the autocratic nations prior to WW2 and what happened there.

  4. Wow all of them you nailed this one
    Happy Wednesday


  5. I really love the richness of the last few lines:

    "We open our hearts –
    revived, hopeful, triumphant –
    and hold them high
    like flags."

    I can feel the lightness of the gesture, the freedom the exposed heart breathes in, the promise...

  6. Such inspired writing, Rosemary. You spoke for so many of us, and you spoke eloquently.

    1. I'm glad of that, Bev, as it has ramifications even beyond the USA.

  7. Your words speak volumes ~~~ we open our hearts (and minds.)

  8. That’s what poetry allows us to do, picture a moment, and your ekphrastic poem is a lovely example, Rosemary. I love the way the bird is ‘lifting our gaze away’, which is something else poetry can do. The final lines have given me an uplifting start to the day.

  9. "We open our hearts –

    revived, hopeful, triumphant –

    and hold them high

    like flags."

    Love these glorious words Rosemary, love them.

    Anna :o]

  10. This was neat, Rosemary. You used all three very nicely merged into your thoughts displayed in print. I like the "open hearts" which are displayed as "revived, hopeful, triumphant."

  11. We can all breathe a sigh of relief !

  12. A revived heart is always worth whatever effort it takes to get there, don't you think?

  13. I enjoyed this and like how you were inspired by all three at once!

  14. Beautiful words inspired by three images. Thanks for writing this!

  15. Each painting you wrote to meshed with the next one. I love your ending on this masterpiece, Rosemary!


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