We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Filling in the Blank

 Filling in the Blank

‘In the blank space

between midnight and dawn,’

she began, and I thought,

What’s blank about that?

Does she sleep blankly,

never dreaming?

Do the large machines in her home

make no white noise in the night?

She obviously does not have

a cat or dog or even bird

with its own nocturnal agendas

involving sound and movement.

And outside in the street,

do no vehicles pass?

No animals or birds

scurry or call?

Is the dead of night

dead silent? 

What about breezes 

or rain, or sometimes thunder?

Even the tiny night insects

and spiders about their business,

unheard by our ears, move 

and un-blank the canvas.

But peace can be

surrounded by life

and does not require


Written in response to Poets and Storytellers United's Weekly Scribblings #76: 'Writing a Blank'.


  1. Rosemary, this is so nice, I love your treatment of the time between Midnight and morning. A little tease gets your readers minds going with their minds, drawing on experiences, wishes, and imagination. I too left that time space happenings up to the reader, just a little strange hint. When I did Aerospace Engineering work at NASA Houston we had to work around the clock if a mission was flying and for sure all the duration of Skylab . It was a little different than the other shifts.

  2. It is sad that humans consider the world needs them rather that the opposite. We really are the vainest of creatures!

  3. Your last verse says it all. I've loved the peace of being surrounded by those softer sounds, and never in my life would consider them a blank.

  4. What a gentle summation of midnight to morning. For me, I'm usually having a wide-awake around 3 or 4 a.m. and searching for some television panacea to put me back to sleep!

    1. I usually read for a while in bed and sometimes don't turn out my light until 3 am!

  5. The questions kept a steady probing, escalation ~~~~ I wondered as well! A Beautiful BLANK!

  6. Night time is filled with activity and appears to have no blanks. Blanks, though, are so important, in speech, music, body language, and everything else too

  7. “…peace can be
    surrounded by life
    and does not require
    No, it certainly does not. This is wonderful Rosemary!

  8. There is always sound (at least in my ears) but the night's quietness is so peaceful. Love your poem.


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