We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Shorts: a variety

Shorts: a variety

I kiss my cat

no social distance

we rub faces

senryu 17/6/21


bursts out

from winter vines:

trumpet flowers bloom suddenly


elfchen 12/7/21

I still call on you

sometimes when I need help 

but do you have time

now you’re busy working

as one of the angels?


tanka 13/7/21

winter morning –

my cat runs up and down

small paws thumping

haiku 13/7/21

 In the latest Weekly Scribblings at Poets and Storytellers United, Magaly recently invited us to try one of several designated micro-poetry forms. Enthusiastically, I tried them all! Then I checked and found she wanted just ONE piece. I gave her the one I liked best, my American sentence.

Here, for Writers' Pantry #79, are all the others.  (Good not to share them immediately. I've had time to tweak a bit.)

In case you wondered: Yes, the first one was written last month; we were allowed 'recent' and I hoped that was recent enough to count. Sharing them now in the Pantry instead, no such restrictions apply.


  1. Well, I do like that first one! Benny, one of my cats, waits on the dryer while I shower, so as soon as I get out, and after I dry my face, we can butt heads and touch noses!

  2. Many years ago I was quite hooked on writing haiku and haibun. How lucky we are to have such a vast range of poetic forms to try out. Let's hope we manage to find our loved ones when it is time for a rest!

  3. Lovely micros
    Happy Sunday


  4. All are great but I esp. love the trumpet flowers hotness in the winter

  5. A sweet mix. My Picasso Moon poem was written while looking at the June Crescent Moon with a tilted disembodied like smile.

  6. Calling for help and not getting it can be a disheartening experience.

  7. what a treat to read all the 5 micropoetry works.
    i can relate with the tanka.

  8. You are the queen of micropoetry, Rosemary. I've long admired your penchant for saying much with few words.

  9. I love the juicy bits of life in each peace. The elfchen especially seemed like a perfect marriage of form and words. The tanka also made me sigh a bit.

  10. Lovely photo of the winter orange vine. This was my favourite

  11. these are all beautiful, but i especially like the second one, the elfchen, very well done!

  12. Mistress of 'short form' I bow down to you! These are wonderful!!

  13. Yes, I agree with Helen. I like the elfchen but the tanka hits closer to the heart right now. "One of the angels" - I can name several that I miss.
    Thank you, Rosemary


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