We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


The Current Climate

Weeks of rain,

frequent storms;

humid some days, 

others cool. When 

will summer happen?

We tread warily,

most of us masked

even in the street.

Sanitise, check in/out,

keep your distance.

Best friends chat

on facebook, Messenger,

email, SMS text –

jokes and pictures

instead of actual hugs.

Somewhere else

they’re having heatwaves.

Everywhere else

they’re having COVID.

The whole world complains.

But the islands of Tonga 

have no COVID – only

a volcano and a tsunami! 

Infected rescuers turn back. 

There’s enough trouble.

In a pause between showers

I watch a butterfly, just one, 

dipping and rising –

black-and-white against 

yellow blooms and red.

Photo:  Arjun M J at Unsplash..

A gogyoshi sequence written in response to Friday Writings #11 at Poets and Storytellers United. We were invited to be inspired by the phrase, 'feast or famine'. There's a lot of that about! (Both extremes.) I've written from an Australian perspective, where it is officially summer. Different parts of the country are experiencing different weathers – and then there's Omicron. As for our South Pacific neighbours.... I don't think anyone's having the summer they'd like.


  1. Replies
    1. It really happened, though I didn't get a photo of my own. (Lucky to find one online that suited so well!) I was glad to be able to finish on a more positive note while still illustrating the theme.

  2. The world well expressed. Heatwaves or Covid. Right now I'd love the former.

    1. I'd love some too – or at least sunshine, which we are supposed to be getting here right now instead of this endless rain.

  3. A butterfly is a sign of hope! The birds are my angels these days.

    1. I should perhaps explain why. For several days, birds have been brought to my attention in all sorts of ways – not actual birds but other people's words about them, all telling me to pay attention to birds and take seriously what messages they bring me. Your remark about birds being your angels seems to be a culmination of these signals from the Universe!

    2. They have wings. They fly out of sight. They sing my heart open. Those kind of convergences you speak of happen to me a lot!

  4. Wonderful series of Gogyoshi, Rosemary. The format intrigues me, and it's a natural for your amazing ability to create vignettes in few words!

    1. Thank you, Bev. I think you have a similar ability, and a gift for rhyme as well!

  5. Things are similarly insane here. The weather is going mad, like the people. And COVID is everywhere, and probably mutating into more. Still, there are good things too: it's snowing right now--big fluffy flakes are knocking on my window, playing with a streetlight--it looks pretty from here.

    1. There is always beauty, be it a butterfly or snowflakes. I guess, as poets, it's our job – as well as our blessing – to focus on it no matter what else there is.

    2. We are having some really lovely snow here too. LOL, I need to break out the extra thick clothing because my dog will be impossible to gte inside.

  6. There is a malaise that permeates much of life today, I feel it and cannot recall a time in my life ever like this. The pandemic, yes ... but so much more world strife. My sister said it beautifully a few weeks ago ... "I never thought our 'golden years' would be spent like this." She is a Covid survivor. Experiencing some lingering symptoms. The absolute picture of health before it. Take care. (I am thrilled an Aussie won the Australian Open.)

    1. We're pretty thrilled about that here, too!

      I am taking care as best I can. I'm glad your sister survived.

  7. A moment of beauty and serenity amidst all the storm and turmoil. Lovely

  8. The butterfly came along at just the right moment!


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