We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)



My touch –

I am sure she feels this –

is worshipful,

telling this deaf cat –

as my voice would 

if she could hear it –

she is cherished, admired, adored

beyond reason – although 

there are reasons.

The reasons are many and good,

as I hope my touch conveys.

There is the sheen of her fur

catching the sunlight, and

its silken feel under my hand.

The curve of her tiny head,

or loving paw.

The sound of her purr.

The trustful nudge of her brow.

I could go on and on

but she has woken

and called me to play,

rattling down the passage

on loud little feet,

confident I’ll follow.

(I know my role in this game;

she has trained me well.)

I must lumber after.

I must rub her tummy

as she stretches and writhes 

on the sunroom carpet.

I must dangle pink threads

(which used to be shoelaces

from a pair of striped sneakers)

for her to chase and catch and let go

and leap again after. Then I must carry her 

to sleep on the soft rug on my bed.

She is my most important

responsibility. I live

to look after her, to make sure

she is well, safe and happy.

She is the centre

of my small, elderly world,

my world shrunk to essentials.

At this time of my life, I know 

the essentials are love and touch. 

Another cat poem! Which again I'm sharing with Poets and Storytellers United – in this case for Friday Writings #19, where Magaly advises us: 'It's important to have a twinkle in your wrinkle' and invites us to be inspired by this thought. She does mean the sort of wrinkles that come with ageing – which I certainly have! And my cat, Poppi, always puts a twinkle in my eyes.


  1. the essentials are love and touch.. that's it...life in six words! I feel I must write it up and put it over my desk. Thank you!

    1. Thank you, I love the thought that you might do that. Nowadays I have a large monitor that would stop me seeing any such notices, but in the past I had a wall of them over my desk! (My favourite was DON'T PANIC, written in 'big warm friendly letters' – useful in all sorts of circumstances, not only when hitch-hiking through the galaxy.)

  2. That last line is a perfect ending to a poignant poem.

  3. Glad Poppy is giving you so much joy. I love your patchwork rug.

    1. That rug was an unexpected gift some years ago, from someone I hardly knew, who used to make them and then find people on whom to bestow them! I love it too.

  4. Two things we all crave -- love and touch. So insightful.

    1. Living with little Poppi makes it very apparent.

  5. Touch, love ... yes Rosemary. We oldies but goodies know this to be true. A beautiful write!!!

  6. That ending is purrfect and so very true. We get attached to so many things, feel like we can't live without them; but in the end, all that matters is love, touch... and some food.

    Poppi is such a treasure to love.

    1. She is indeed! And oh yes, food is certainly another essential, lol.

  7. I love the beautiful sensory details here. The love and comfort that you and Poppi have wrapped around each other shines through and embraces the reader too.

    1. Oh thank you, I'm very glad of that. Just what I was hoping!

  8. Love and touch, indeed.
    The partnership/connection you share with this feline with shimmering fur, is the purrfect (sorry) definition of symbiosis.

    1. You described it so in a comment on a slightly earlier poem about this relationship – which pleased me very much, as I had already written and titled this one. (Smile.)


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