We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


After the Visit

It’s all cloudy skies here, 

dreary Sundays dragging on, 

now that he’s gone.

I’ve been a happy Hermit,

my fine solitude

eased mostly by cats.

But after some days

communing with my son, again

finding how we match –

the pleasure of it ...

now I'm feeling myself 

unsettled, discomposed –

shrugging back inside

that cloak of self-sufficience

I thought was my skin.

Below: my son and me out to lunch during his visit.

Written for my own prompt, 'The Visitor' for Friday Writings #60 at Poets and Storytellers United. 

(Each verse is an American sentence – just because I often like to give myself formal games to play, too.)


  1. Never enough time when visits are fun! That feeling resonates.. but for me it doesn't last long... somewhere between introvert and misanthrope ! Sigh!

    1. I manage to surround myself with the like-minded always, so have little occasion for misanthropy – but introvert, definitely! So I'll settle back quickly too, and be left with memories of the joy. But, just for the moment....

  2. Yes, Rosemary, it really does our mood a favor after visits with our kids. We have five, four are in the Houston area and one in Caifornia with our grandson and haven't seen her for over a year. No visits on the schedule. We eMail lightly about once a week, plus she reads my blogs. Her husband died last January, note, I must check the date in the morning. Our youngest loves within walking distance. Three of the grandchildren we have visits with fairly often. One still lives at home with her parents and Dutch, their cat. Walking distance with her also. The grandkids and greats all live in the Houston area except the one in California.
    Nice writing prompt as usual here, they make writing enjoyable. Thank you!! ;)

    1. Glad you enjoy the prompts, Jim.
      How lovely for you to have so many of the family living close by. Mine are fairly widely scattered, but we do love it when we can get together.

    2. I love the view from your balcony, we have nothing where we would want to downsize with such a pretty scene. My mom had things for me to fix that she saved for me, wouldn't let my BIL do them, wouldn't even ask. He came about every other month, him and my sister.

    3. I love that view too! But it is not from my balcony; it's from the restaurant at the local art gallery.

  3. I love that muumuu! And I'm glad the visit went well.

    1. Caftan – but there's not much difference. Yes, it was great.

  4. O this made me very sad....Of course you are going to miss him. I miss him and I dont even know him:) Chin up petal....maybe you could arrange to see him more often....anyway you always have us:)LOL......Rall x

    1. Thanks, Rall. He has assured me it won't be so long between visits in future! In the past we have visited back and forth quite often, but unfortunately it's not so easy for me to do the travelling any more and it's not easy for him to get away for very long – but we'll work it out.

  5. We adapt … shrugging back inside to where our thoughts reside and sometimes transform into an expressive bit of therapeutic prose. :)

  6. It is so hard to say goodbye after such a good time has been had. I can so relate to this one. My MIL visited us for a couple of weeks. We had a fantastic time reading, cooking, sewing, watching my Piano Man play... The apartment feels too quiet with her gone. But we have the memories, right? Even if they aren't quite enough.

    1. From the memories we (eventually) get the lovely anticipation of next time.

  7. Beautiful sequence of photo, story and poem that reaches deeper and tells another truth.

  8. Oh, I'd give my left heart to have one more face-to-face chat with Mom.

    1. Oh, don't say that! I'm glad my son loves our get-togethers now, but I don't like to think of him being sad to miss them in the future. Ah well, I guess he would choose the inevitable sorrow for the sake of the relationship we have. I bet your Mom treasured you as much as I do him.

  9. It's so good to see such a happy family moment

  10. I'm sure she would have, if he didn't live close enough for them to see each other often.

  11. One day we all will feel the same way.


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