We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


What Can One Do with an Extrovert?

A loving local matriarch speaks aloud and sends

the text before I can stop her, to my fellow hermit:

‘I’m with Rosemary and we’d both like to know 

how you’re getting on.’ It’s she who can’t abide a few days 

without contact. (We know it comes only from love.)

It’s not that I don’t like to know, myself, how that one is;

but, as I try to explain to the dear extrovert, I sort of do.

There’s such a connection, I sense the energy.

I try to explain. I can tell she doesn’t hear me … can’t.

Resigning myself, I write this poem instead.

Perhaps even resignation can count as a tiny victory

in inclusiveness of all our differences — we varied people!

Sharing with Poets and Storytellers United for Friday Writings #71: Small Victories.


  1. Rosemary, this indeed is a small victory. I like the product.

  2. Resignation which also implies surrendering or total acceptance is a very big victory Rosemary not a small one.

  3. Just adding that anonymous comment was from me dear friend.

    1. Many thanks for this too. I do like to know who's speaking.

  4. There is victory in not needing to be understood but to understand. Resignation of differences is on the way to acceptance and maybe a bit of bliss. :)

  5. Cressida calling....yes people are varied and we are supposed to accomodate them and get along with all of them. Hermits find this difficult to do.I usually have an answer for everything but on this one...I could say be tolerant of everything that is hurled at you or I could say wrap yourself in your little shell and keep the world out or I could stop rattling on and.get up and go and have some weetbix.:)

    1. Well, I do each of the above at different times, lol (including the weetbix).

  6. we varied people - and the dynamics of finding a harmony amongst us is joy. Sometimes (though not all the time) giving in is a wholesome victory in itself. Anything that brings more joy all around has to be! So glad there are poems to deal with the rest of life!!!

    1. I was concerned for the fellow-hermit, who feels stifled and guilt-tripped by such messages, even while understanding their motivation – but I don't think there is much I can do to change anyone's thinking but my own.

  7. LOL, it can be so interesting being friends with different sorts of people! Its definitely a victory when one can find a space where everyone's needs are balanced.

    1. Growing old has helped me become more tolerant, I think.

  8. And I shout ~~~ VARIETY the spice of life. Yes, growing older has helped on the tolerance front.

    1. Oh, that's a good shout! And good reminder. (I was brought up on it, but that was a long time ago, lol.)

  9. So being steamrollered once again is a victory?

    1. It wasn't me being steamrollered so much as the person on the receiving end of the message. I was more the subject of an incorrect assumption. It was only a small victory to overcome annoyance and try to make allowances for differences between people. It might be a larger one if I could managed to impart some of that to others..

  10. True, Rosemary resigning than reacting in a troubled situation is a victory. Nice thought.

  11. (Sara McNulty) At least you can turn to writing!

    1. Ha ha, there is that. It helps in any situation, doesn't it?


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