We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


To Do List

  1. Exercise 10am, 4pm
  2. Medications as listed 9am, 12 noon, 10pm
  3. Laundry
  4. Shopping list for tomorrow
  5. Check bills due
  6. Start Poppi back on dry food
  7. Photo for fb group
  8. Write poem for today
  1. Warrior training
  2. Fight monsters
  3. Cleanse and renew
  4. Fortify castle / bless temple
  5. Arrange wings for flying
  6. Connect with guardian angel
  7. Commune with the earth
  8. Listen to own soul

A little exercise in reframing, lol. Written for Friday Writings #76 at Poets and Storytellers United.


  1. Am smiling over check bills due translating to arrange wings for flying! And writing a poem being listening to one's soul..these are wonderful ways to see things!!!

    1. Thank you my dear, I'm so glad you got it! Wasn't quite sure it didn't need further explanation, yet I wanted to just present it and leave it at that. :-D

  2. Connect with guardian angel
    Commune with the earth
    Listen to own soul

    Love your own reminders to spiritually connect to pending items. Reminding of non-physicals often are forgotten or neglected as they are of non-immediate in consequences. Great thinking Rosemary!


    1. I like the juxtaposition. Listen to your own soul is at the top of my list!

    2. It's really at the top of mine, too.

  3. I like the warrior training part which I have kept in my after superannuation list

  4. Your lists are well thought out and laid out for checking them off. On the second list you forgot "Jumping over six tall buildings." :)

    1. Hmmm, would have to think up an item for the first list which it could equate to. Decluttering, perhaps?

  5. I absolutely love how you transformed an ordinary daily routine into miraculous moments because both can be true. It's up to us how we view our lives and how much magic we put into it.

  6. The reframing was most excellent. I'm not a list guy, but this is a good one.

    1. Funnily enough, I'm not a list gal either, but I did enjoy making this one.

  7. I am grinning from ear-to-ear. I LOVE this so much! As soon as I'm done here, I shall go to arrange my wings for flying. 😁

  8. OH OH! If you could only see my face right now .. smiles for miles! This is an absolute delight, Rosemary.

  9. I like flying away from the bills:) Rall

    1. Well, that's one interpretation, lol. I was more thinking that getting one's finances in order enables one to use the available funds without running out.

  10. Sounds like a list from a medieval knight (or mage). :)


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