We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


How to Be Social Whilst Being a Hermit


I don’t feel like an elderly widow, not on the inside, but I am an elderly widow. I’m not housebound –  still drive my car, though mostly just around our little town; still eat out with my pals; visit the art gallery; shop; attend writers’ events … but I’m an introvert, liking my own company (and that of my cat) so I don’t go out much. Also, being a writer keeps me at my desk for hours.

When Andrew became more and more impaired, and eventually died, I was his carer. As his loving wife, I was happy to do what I could, but it kept me mostly at home.

Also we’d moved away from the city where we lived for decades, to come here to this small sub-tropical town, leaving behind family, old friends, colleagues.

For all these reasons I love social media! I still mourn the destruction of MySpace, where I met international poets and amazing strong women of my own vintage – but most of us migrated to facebook, where in time lots of Aussie poets also found me. Facebook keeps me in touch with far-flung friends and relatives, and poets and other writers all over the world.

I enjoyed twitter in its early days, and was one of the first tweetpoets, writing to the demands of the platform. But twitter quickly turned into something I couldn’t be bothered with, so I let that one go. I’ve now embraced Instagram, the visual medium where I can have fun with images, and also post screen-shots of poems.

These are places where I enjoy what others post, too. Instagram, for instance, has the most wondrous nature photography.

Now I’ve signed up for a course on using TikTok for book marketing. I’ve never used TikTok, so the idea is daunting but also exciting. I just want to get a tripod first, for my phone camera. Wow, me make videos – that’s a new departure!

Because I’m an elderly widow living alone, social media’s a great blessing to me. It saves me from all the loneliness and disconnection my mother felt, when she was an elderly widow living alone.

on facebook, even

my very private brother –

wonders will never …

Form: haibun.

Written for Friday Writings #113: Modern Marvel at Poets and Storytellers United.


  1. I too like the social media, and was on MySpace early. I've been blogging with Blogger since 2006. I've been married for 51 years plus 13 earlier.
    I am Jim

  2. Love social media. I only use facebook. I have an instagram but don't use it that much. I am an introvert as well AN extroverted introvert lol It is sometimes hard to find a balance. So when I overdo it in the outside world I need to stay home for a while and read and write a bit more.

  3. I exited FB many years ago, still do a bit of instagram (more read than post) but I practically live on twitter to get a lot of information and news from carefully (I hope) curated sources. Tiktok is banned here... please do crosspost those videos on insta.. I would love to see them!!! :)

    1. The same instructor also gives guidance on how to use TikTok and Instagram together, so you may be in luck. I am actually terrified!

  4. A lot has been said about the ills of social media, but I have made some very dear friends that way. I do have a TikTok account but haven't made any videos on it - yet!

    1. I try to tell people, it depends how one uses the social media. I am ruthless about blocking scammers and trolls and ignoring friend requests from people whose profiles don't interest me when I check them out. I too have made dear friends via social media, including blogging and our P&SU community – some now of many years' standing. I seldom see the gossip, trivia and nastiness which others complain of.

  5. I love your happy spirit Rosemary. It's inspiring. I used to go to FB, Instagram and Twitter. That was once upon a time. I really enjoyed this haibun.

    1. Thank you, Sumana. I hope your offline life is so rich and varied that you don't need social media! xx

  6. Rosemary, you have a more active and interesting life that a lot of younger people I know! I remember My Space! It was very short-lived. I interact online mostly through my blog and a little on FB. Twitter, no. Instagram? Maybe in the future. The best thing about this internet gig s connecting with others around the globe, like you!

    1. Yes, it is! Which we manage regardless of our particular platform.

  7. Kids -Gen Z - may rule tiktok... but with your performance poetry experience, you'll probably end up teaching them a trick or two!! Go for it!!!

    1. Thanks! I will go for it – but slowly and carefully to begin with, lol.

  8. Do TikTokkers read books? asks the Twitter-quitter superciliously. I miss Google + and Jack Dorsey's Twitter; hope we can get these nasty bids for censorrship grubbed out of the Internet, roots and all, so new really social media can replace them.

    (Don't listen if they tell you it's only needle-phobic anti-vaxxers being censored. Green content is being BADLY censored.)

    1. The woman whose course I signed up for is a POET and she sells her books via TikTok!!! Have not yet checked out her verses but her prose is well written. (I wouldn't just enrol in any old course.)

  9. Rosemary, this is a stunning haibun, every line .. every word. Your experiences shared so beautifully. I remember MySpace, but barely. I don't do TicTok and though I am on Instagram I rarely use it. I use FaceBook and when I grow weary, I shut it down for a while. Inevitably something huge will happen in a friend's life, and wallah, I return.

  10. I admire you for doing this new course.You really are amazing for your age....I know you have a secret managing all of this....I also know you are not going to tell. I know a very charming talented photographer and author who is 80 and lives in Murwillumbah ( just found out he lives there) and I wouldn't be surprised if you two were in cahoots.:)

    1. I'm honestly not sure what my secret is – except perhaps Reiki energy (I have been a Reiki Master since 1992). I am not acquainted with the photographer / author as far as I know, but Mur'bah is full of creative people of all ages.

  11. I'm right there with you, when it comes to social media. Twitter and I haven't been friends for a long time. I really miss Facebook. Many of my friends are on Instagram, but Facebook was like walking on a virtual park talking to everyone. I'll be back to it next year... after my active cancer treatment (and my gazillion medical appointments) are significantly reduced.

    I've yet to touch TikTok. So, do tell me how it goes...

    1. Well, I am still sussing it out, and enjoying very much what other people are posting. It may be some little time before I do more than lurk.

  12. Love your haibun. For someone who stays in a great deal, you are far busier than I am. I really admire you, Rosemary.


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