We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


All I Want Is

All I Want Is a Ride

to the Festival,

where I’m to appear


No not all. I want

a great performance

to sell my books.

I want a Plus 1

to take. Not a new1

the old.

I'm still playing with textu. This one is written for Friday Writings #127 at Poets and Storytellers United, where Magaly invites us to write something which includes the phrase 'all I want is.'  

And yes, at the time of writing, I was experiencing some possible difficulties about getting there, but that's now been resolved.

And a few more:

All I Want Now


from gut-punch


my 5-yrs-ago ‘relentless

bullying,’ my ‘misogyny.’


And, do I still run a writers’ group?

If so, she’d love to join.

Out-of-the-blue comments on my TikTok, which left me reeling – from very disturbed lady who was briefly in an offline writers' group five years ago, and caused various upsets to various people. Apparently I'm the latest target. I have deleted and blocked.  (But this message did have its funny side.)

And All I Want Is

to keep on outliving

my dear ones

even though

I so dearly miss them.

I have books to read

books to write

a world 

to cherish …


to linger over.

Really All I Want Is

the light on ocean

swirling waves, waves gliding 

to be among trees

watching sky through a tall forest

the sky’s endless

patterns and fluctuations


  1. A wonderful collection of thoughts and words - thank you for your visit - Jae

    1. You're welcome! Thank you for having a look here.

  2. It is a very demanding format. Too restrictive for me, I fear.

  3. A disturbed lady's out-of-the-blue point of view can be truly shocking but nice to know there was a funny side as well as inspiration for a textu. :)

    1. I'm sure she was oblivious to the irony of her own self-contradiction!

  4. Great choice of words and subjects - especially like the last one - the light on the ocean -

  5. I really like the progression, especially since things get better. I don't get people who make this kind of problems for others. And name calling? Really!

    Also, I can't wait to try this form.

    1. Oh, 'seriously disturbed' is actually an understatement. 'Dangerously unhinged' is how my employer at the time described her, having had to help others of her staff recover from their experiences with this woman – not physically dangerous, but dangerous with words. I don't think we can judge by normal standards; she possibly believes what she says. In any case, there's no reasoning with her. (She was sectioned for treatment back then, but I don't know what happened thereafter.)

      To happier things – can't wait to see what you do with textu.

  6. Good luck with the on stage performance. Hope you have lots of book sales. Impressed with your awesome energy. I love short forms because I like brevity in poetry but textu (w00hoo...nah....not for this little black duck:)....Rall

    1. Many thanks for the good wishes; will be setting off for Kyogle soon. (The performance is part of their Readers and Writers Festival.)

  7. That's all I really want too. I miss the ocean.

    1. I hope you may be able to visit it some time soon.

  8. Your "want list" poem is as wonderfully creative, diverse and candid as YOU are!! Shame on the Tic Tok lady.

  9. What a wonderful collection of thoughts here, Rosemary. The last is my favorite.

  10. "I want a Plus 1 / to take. Not a new1 / the old." - this is what a super-talented poet can do with even micropoetry... elevate a normal start to this stomping end, all in a few words. Sigh! Do you still run that writers' group... I want to enrol too!!

    1. Thank you, Rajani. What an asset you would be to any writing group! As you are to the P&SU community. No, it came to a conclusion when COVID paused it a long time, and we realised everyone had got what we needed from it by then. A few of us still meet for lunch and a catch-up three or four times a year.

    2. Thank you. I've got so much from P&SU, especially when I just started my blog... very grateful!


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