We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


What Do I Hear?



The one I lost when young

sends songs into my head

I think he does

I want to think he does:

songs of love.

I weep softly.

Is he, as I near my own end,

calling to me?


Long Travels

Not miserable or broken

not destroyed by grief


to inner song 

I journey far

the long paths of adventure

even without you

(you, always with me). 



What do you hear

cat of my heart

staring out at the dark

what do you see

beyond the glass?

Night after night 

it fascinates 

closed to me

without cat ears

cat eyes.


For words / phrases in first stanza of Long Travels, I acknowledge an account of one section of Maerad's journey in Alison Croggon's Pellinor series of fantasy novels – which, by the way, I highly recommend. Those books were also part of the inspiration for the whole of that piece.

Written for Friday Writings #129 What Do You Hear?


  1. So tender - I hope you have many years ahead to listen and weave your magical words..will look into your book recommendation..you say such a lot in your work with each careful word - Jae

  2. I think He resonates most with me. But all do.

  3. Beautiful and poignant Especially the first part

  4. We can get somewhat "comfortable" with our grief. And as if from some other realm … loved ones still speak to us and join us on our travels.

    1. Interesting comment! I hadn't thought of it like that, but yes, it is almost as if we become at home with it. The fact that they 'still speak to us and join us on our travels' surely helps.

  5. Love the long paths of adventure - I think your words capture this so well.

  6. These bits stand on their own pretty well, but I like the feel they create together. I want to hold my breath and listen for the subtle things around me.

  7. They all have such a tenderness weaving through them but the last one really captured my heart.

    1. It's so interesting to see how others respond to our work. You are the second person to mention tenderness about these. I'm glad that's something that comes through. (And I guess you must be a cat-lover too!)

  8. I like where this one leads. I am sorry for the little one lost, the lady never forgets. I did try to reason the final verse a bit.

    1. I like the way you always try to enter into the words, and behind them, Jim.

  9. Powerful work Rosemary. My dog is barking at something outside...that I can't hear. Your poem is authentic!

    1. *Smile.* Yes, I think cats and dogs not only see and hear but even smell things we simply can't.

  10. A breathtaking trio of poems that 'scream' silence, love lost but I feel positivity not sadness in your words.

    1. Yes, you're right. Thanks, Helen; ever perceptive!

    2. These are silent, thoughtful poems, Rosemary. I love 'He'.

    3. Thank you; I appreciate your aporeciation!

  11. He ....a very moving poem !....Rall

  12. I take each poem as the continuation of the previous one.
    Each speaks to me in a different way. The first of grief, the second of loneliness, the third of acceptance and solitude. I can relate this to the "journey" I have come so far .Perhaps other readers can see the way I see it too. :)

    1. Perfectly perceptive! Yes, our journeys have had some resemblances; i always strongly relate to your poems about yours.

  13. Such moving words. I especially love 'He'. Very much relatable. And thank you dear friend for your precious comment on my blog.

  14. Nice set of poems. I love "cat of my heart."

    Pris cilla King


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