We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


I Couldn't Fall in Love with Aquaman [Revision]


I wanted to. I expected to.

But the cinema seats were deep 

and soft, and tilted back … and 

there was all this fighting….

(Battle scenes – even underwater –

I always find incredibly boring.)

It was good to see Our Nic,

slim and beautiful as ever

in a role that was ‘different’ for her,

as Aquaman’s mum – great acting

not really required this time, 

although she did all right. I figured

she must have wanted a job

that would bring her home 

a while to see her birth family. 

And they shot it just up here

at Hastings Point, in the heart 

of our sub-tropics. She’d have known

how beautiful, with what great weather.

Even if Nicole couldn’t keep me awake –

and I’m a fan – you’d think Jason Momoa

would’ve had me glued to the screen.

But no, off I nodded. Afterwards I decided 

it wasn’t a problem of the heart; just that 

it was never Aquaman I lusted for – nor even 

cheerful, good-natured Jason himself.

No, it was always Khal Drogo, from the first

instant he appeared onscreen in my home telly.

I don’t even go for large, well-muscled men;

I like em lean and hungry, thoughtful, 

and able to make me laugh. The Khal 

shattered every preconception I’d acquired

in my seven decades of life until that moment, 

and furthermore turned me young again. Oh, 

he was something else! How I miss him –

but his element was fire, not water. 

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