We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

My mouth was shocked silent

when the bombs came.

They shattered my home,

killed my mother and father,

destroyed my world.

The older children cry

as they search for food.

Others screamed 

when they lost their limbs.

I lie quiet on a broken cot

in a wrecked hospital.

If I could scream

would I be fed?

Would anyone come

to take away my pain

and my filth?

I need to scream.

I have no voice.

Written for Friday Writings #139 at Poets and Storytellers United, where the title of this piece is one of several we are invited to choose from to use as inspiration.


  1. Goodness, and we've been seeing video after video of this horror every single day ...with no end in sight. Breaks my heart. :(

    1. I thought I couldn't manage to write about it – but entering into the experience in this way made it possible.

  2. A heart-wrenching poem So real and painful So many without a voice

  3. What a powerful poem Rosemary - really encapsulates the prompt (hope you are well) - Jae

    1. Thanks Jae. And yes, I'm glad to say I am well again now.

  4. Great title and way to bring us into the horror of war so somatically.

    1. When I saw that title in the prompts, this scenario came to me immediately. The horrors are many; perhaps worst of all the effects on the very young.

  5. In a calm and collected and deadly seriously way you expressed the absolute horror and tragedy of what is happening in our world. Well done, my friend.

    1. Thank you – and how I wish there had been no occasion for writing any such poem.

  6. And to think this is happening as we write....all too awful. Rall

    1. Yes, so awful that I have not been able to write about it until this prompt gave me a way in.

  7. I've seen nurses actively avoid the screamers because they feel bullied and abused by them...so let's hope this survivor gets a little extra love! Intense poem.

    Pris cilla King

    1. This one is supposed to be a very young child, so I think the only reason nurses would not respond would be because they are too few for the number of patients. Not that the infant would know that, only that his/her distress was not being relieved.

  8. Grim images. Thank you. (I think.) We do need reminding.

    1. On the other hand, the reminders come daily in the news.

  9. I wish this were only fictional. Right now there are surely multiple children living this horror.

  10. Yes, a very appropriate title, reflecting on our inability to make changes in the world that we would like to see. Well written but a difficult read.


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