We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Blazon for Poppi:

my cat Poppi who is as wise as night-time

and as sensible as the day;

who mothers me as I mother her;

my cat Poppi who is small and sleek,

not black though she looks black,

but sable, red-brown in the light;

who loves warmth and lies by the heater

or tucks herself under blankets;

whose little face is the sweetest;

who loves to cuddle, purring;

who, being profoundly deaf,

has mastered body language 

and an expressive miaow;

who likes to rest on her pillow 

on my bed, to be near me;

who is nocturnal and spends her nights

up on the window-sill, gazing out at the street

or in daytime peers through the big glass door 

at nothing I can see, but she is fascinated;

who is Burmese and likes to be up high,

leaping with agility, despite her old age; Poppi who 

is the perfect cat for me at this late time of my life.

A blazon is a French form which lists attributes of the beloved.

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