That may depend on whether
the chaos is self-created
or random, but then again
it might depend more
on the particular kind of chaos,
no matter where it originates,
because there are some
we can cope with, such as
a sudden rainstorm, or
the clean-up after a party,
and some we can even, yes, rejoice in,
like watching an out-of-nowhere
influx of shooting stars, or like
the wild, merry dancing
at the aforesaid party: a crowd
of people somewhat tipsy
and very festive, loving the music;
and then there’s the chaos
we all want to run away from —
the pandemics, the wars,
the natural disasters, those
from which we long for a saviour …
and there’s the chaos that follows
after we elect who we think
is just such a saviour, and that one
begins to actually do the things
that were promised, and then
we see what that looks like
and feels like, and we realise:
No, there is no joy in this.
Written for Friday Writings #162: Joy In Chaos at Poets and Storytellers United.