We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Winter Light

Winter Light

Its brightness
these mornings
promises warmth.

Venture out
and that sun  
proves ice-cold.

As when we
meet – your smile

Written for Fussy Little Forms: Tricube at 'imaginary garden with real toads'.


  1. oh, how deceptive Rosemary - but well done! simple how striking the form works here - can feel the "ice" of the morning - all that glitters is not ... errr.. warm?
    lovely word play!

  2. Wow! I did not expect that conclusion. Very cleverly done.

  3. Your tricube is just gorgeous, Rosemary! I love the way it begins with a statement, then invokes the reader to 'venture' into an ice-cold sun - great oxymoron! - and ends with a glittering smile - frost is implied positively.

  4. Aw. Perfect! Bright and cooollllddd and glittery, love it.

  5. Nature is always amazing and we should all relish and take care of it.

  6. So clever Rosemary, so well done. Love!
    Anna :o]

  7. Oh a sunny day winks with promise but never reveals its temperature until we freeze or burn.. Like your take on the prompt.

  8. I love that glittering smile, Rosemary.


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