We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Missing the Boat

Missing the Boat

It was only
a momentary, passing
flicker of regret 

for an absence
from a place
I might have.…

After all, if
I had not …
or if I …

It’s just – I 
imagined a glimpse
of golden apples,

hints of sunlight
on sparkling water.
For a moment.

Linking to Poets United's Poetry Pantry #431


  1. Some moments can conjure lifetimes...
    we don't want to let go off.

    Really love how effective the line-breaks are.

    1. Thank you. I don't know what it is exactly, but for some reason the three-word line seems to work well for me.

  2. I love this inner monologue......this is just the way we think, too.......

  3. All those 'if's and 'might have' seem quite familiar. Nicely put.

  4. Ennui sure is like the second-to-third drink of whiskey -- an eternal golden moment gone with the next breath. I think you nailed the emotion here.

  5. Some moments are simply unforgettable! ❤️

  6. Shivery and familiar. If only, indeed. :)

  7. such sweet and short lines! All those 'if's, that can define a person's life.
    quite like counting the petals of a flower? :)

  8. Those thoughts or regrets for not making the other choice...moving in a different direction. What would have happened or what would have not happened. I love the way you crafted this.

  9. Those moment when it could go either way... love the thought of this, and it reminds me of the movie sliding doors... when lifelines split in two alternatives...

  10. You have captured that elusive but well-known bit of humanity. Well done,


  11. It’s amazing how a ‘momentary, passing / flicker of regret’ can turn into a lovely poem with ‘hints of sunlight / on sparkling water’, Rosemary!

  12. It's amazing how we can skirt around regretful moments. You put it quite elegantly

  13. Nine (I think) little words in the 3rd stanza - but Wow - they speak volumes about living a life.

  14. Our brains are huge libraries for our use but we have to remember where to look, Dewey's decimal system doesn't work up there.

  15. Just takes a fleeting glance to unload a ton of nostalgia .... lovely write.


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