We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


The Year Ahead

The Year Ahead

It’s the World card, she said. It must be that situation that came up in the previous reading. Remember, this turned up there too, with a message of completion and new beginnings.

No, I said, with a flash of insight. Here it refers to the state of the world. The fires. The people in power consistently not acting. Time running out.

I am in despair, I said. 

She knew I had never been of that mind before.

She pointed to The Star: the card of new energy, of hope. To the Four of Swords: time out, rest. And lastly to the Knight of Cups: raising his chalice as if in a toast, saluting the past with a last look over his shoulder, but riding forwards.

She said, I’m not big on that thing of a word for the year, but I want you to find a word for this year: Strength. She indicated the Strength card in my reading.

Keep saying it to yourself, she told me. And find small things to still love about the world. Write of them; save others from despair. 

halting the fires
rain and storm create flood –
‘Strength!’ I repeat.


I'm sharing this in Writers' Pantry #3 at Poets and Storytellers United, and at earthweal's open link weekend #3.


  1. Strength is my signature card. It resonates with my Leo Rising. I know you have strength, and the Knight of Cups will bring the rain. Too late perhaps, for yesterday, but sufficient for tomorrow. So the World turns.

  2. Your haibun has reminded me that I haven’t consulted the Tarot in years, Rosemary. I stopped when someone took my pack without asking and then didn’t return it. Not a good sign. The next time I’m in Norwich, I plan to look for a new pack, different to the previous one. I need the peaceful meditation and insight a reading brings.

    The state of the world is indeed worrying. I get a spasm in my solar plexus whenever I see the news. Strength is a great word for the year.

  3. "Strength" is definitely the word where dwells "Hope".

  4. I felt as if you invited us all into your reading - and strength is a good word

  5. I remember Joseph Campbell writing about "tough minded" Cro Magnons who successfully weathered Pleistocene glaciation -- maybe to the Earth's benefit, maybe, these days, not -- but I do think the Tarot calls for the same as we face a burning world with despair AND hope. The tipping points (wildfire) unleash others (flood), and we weather. Thanks for sharing at earthweal.

  6. Hope in the strength of integrity and good measure in 2020; Happy Sunday

    much love

  7. Hope is kept afire with a spark. Repeating a word that seeps into our soul and bones is definitely a way to keep ourselves going. Even when things look bad--or, perhaps, especially when things look bad--we need that push, that reminder and promise: "Strength!"

    I really like the clarity of the prose, and how the closing senryu emboldens the massage.

  8. Beautiful.

  9. Yes! We must hold onto strength, chant it and believe that the World will turn. With the chaos surrounding us from all sides it's even more incumbent for us as writers and poets to voice ourselves. 💝

  10. That is a powerful Tarot card and I think strength is something we need to cling to when we are weary from the journey. Now, I think I might go pick 3 cards and see what they say to me today.


  11. Strength whether or not the next card is Death. In Mother Peace the World card is considered The Wheel of Fortune.

  12. It's always wise to ask, and to listen to what the cards have to tell, even though their meaning can cut many ways. Strength is an excellent choice for the ongoing ordeal. I don't think it's going to get any easier.

  13. There is power in writing, power to save us--and the world--from despair.

  14. "And find small things to still love about the world. Write of them; save others from despair." Good advice to find the small things as sometimes those are the most important and lovely.
    Thank you, Rosemary.

  15. ..find the small things to still love about the world. I really like that.

  16. What a beautiful card showing a mutually loving relationship with strength. There, already, is something still to love in the world. A wonderful piece of prose echoing the feelings of so many of us, but especially those, like you, who are so physically close to some of the massive loss of life. A great emotional burden to bear. May strength nuzzle up gently and sustain you.

  17. Strength - we all need strength and hope. Fire and then floods - it's the end of the world as we know it. Strength dear Rosemary, for us all. For us all.

  18. Excellent theme and well written... great read.

  19. "Find small things to love and write about so as to save others from despair". Powerful. I sometimes find the general "voice" of the poems leaves me a bit depressed and looking for a shaft of light in the darkness!

  20. Strength! Yes, I too need that message. My year has already poured its cup of pain on both girls. I will look for small things to keep me from caving.

  21. Sadly most of the politicians we elect have a different mind set and so there is a dilemma deciding who best represent us...or should we choose a revolution so the world is preserved?

  22. prayer gives us inner spiritual strength-inspiring write thank you

  23. The construction of this piece is very compelling, Rosemary. Loved the way it winds - so naturally - to that powerful haiku close.

  24. I, too, need strength to get through these frightening times.


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