We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Sweet Tooth Lunes

Sweet Tooth Lunes

My sweet tooth
wickedly unhealthy, must be resisted 
but not yet.

I am making fudge 
all for me —
lockdown indulgence.

My friend Bev
whose poems I read online
also shares recipes.

When I eat Bev’s fudge —
sweet, smooth, rich —
it tastes of poems.

These can stand alone or be read in sequence. They are alternating Collum lunes (3/5/3 words per line) and Kelly lunes (5/3/5 syllables). 

Created for Poets and Storytellers United’s Weekly Scribblings #29: Writing about food.


  1. Beautiful execution of the form, Rosemary!💝 I love how reminiscent your words are of William Carlos William's "This is just to say," though I must say I prefer yours better! Especially love; "When I eat Bev’s fudge —sweet, smooth, rich —it tastes of poems." Thank you so much for writing to the prompt!💝

    1. Wow, that's a very high compliment, Sanaa! Thank you.

  2. Well worth the savor. I only just discovered the Collom lune & it's rising on my favorites list. Well done!

  3. I enjoyed your lunes, Rosemary, perhaps too much, as I found myself reaching for what was left of our cookies! I love the idea of fudge that tastes of poems!

  4. I enjoyed this doubly....once for the skillful poem, and secondly for knowing my fudge recipe has found a loving home!!

    1. Ha ha, been waiting for you to see my poetic tribute! I tried the milk choc this time, and it's lovely too.

  5. I love the way you composed this poetry .. thoroughly enjoyable and quite the challenge. I am wanting to try it.

    1. I'm sure you'll have fun with it. It's more usual to do just one lune at a time (it being another Western variation of haiku) and either the Kelly or Collom lune, not both.

  6. Luv fudge, grew up in a fudge making home, my mother i think is the greatest fudge maker, Sadly i didn't acquire that skill
    Happy Wednesday Rosemary

    much love...

    1. Would you like me to send you Bev's recipe, lol?

  7. Rosemary, your fudge sounds so nice. My cardiologist's dietitian allowed me to eat anything in moderation. For instance this afternoon after lunch we each had one Hershey Kiss. Yesterday she made a Black Cherry Clafoutis JUST FOR THE TWO OF US. With eight pieces it will last two more days.
    You have my permission to eat all your candies as fast as you wish. I know that you would share if i could come. :)
    Oh yes, our daughter brought over a bag of cherries Saturday, Mrs. Jim made a pie for all us four with each family having one piece to share later.

    1. I'm afraid I need to ration my indulgences too. It sounds as if you and Mrs Jim have it down to a fine art! That cherry pie sounds wonderful! (As for clafoutis, it sounds amazing. I wonder what it is?)

  8. Ah food, that ultimate indulgence. You are kucky Bev is close by.

    1. Not so very close – on the other hand, just as close as my computer screen. It's our 'indybev'. She wrote her own poem about this fudge a few weeks back, which made it sound so easy I thought, 'Even I could make that,' and with a few more recipe details from her, so it proved to be.

  9. If you eat a poem, will it taste like Bev's fudge?

    1. Ah, that depends on the recipe used to make the poem. Certainly some are delectable!

  10. I ate these lunes up! :) Now I want to know Bev's fudge recipe.

  11. yeah, I'm on a diet, but now I want fudge ~


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