We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Putting on the Rizz

'Rizz' is style, charm, attractiveness. I'll tell you how to glamour that – look just like Aidan Quinn in ‘Desperately Seeking Susan.’

Watched it again, since long.

Watched him.

Broody eyes, crooked smile …

Ah, that lean youth, how far now 

lost down timeAnd old I – 

from where such quickening?

Form: liwuli

I'm sharing this with Poets and `Storytellers United for Friday Writings #109, when Magaly invites us to write something which includes the word 'rizz' (the Oxford word of the year for 2023).


  1. Good Job, Rosemary. I don't know of or who Aidian Quinn is or have seen the movie. Sorry. I did like the poem, he must have been a real box office something, a word I probably shouldn't and won't, so I won't.

    1. I'm glad you liked the poem, Jim. He was rather gorgeous. Although he has aged quite well, it's not the same. But then, so few of us are!

  2. Love the Liwuli and the close especially (from where such quickening?)!!! (Don't know who Aidan Quinn is but I can apply this a hundred percent to a few rather charming fellas am watching on netflix these days!!)

    1. Yes, he just happened to be the one who caught my eye recently, when that old movie popped up again on TV. (It was Madonna's first starring role. She was pretty good, and had not yet started, um, enhancing her appearance. Because she was a new rising star, I was much more interested in her at the time when I first saw the movie.)

  3. Sweet. That title is exactly what I thought of when I saw the prompt. Madonna looked good then too!

    1. She did! I could never see the necessity for all the 'reinventing.'

  4. Ahhh, all those lean youths, broody eyes and crooked smiles. Good call that, Puttin on the Ritz. Now I want to see that movie again!

    1. It's dated a bit, but still enjoyable (not only for the eye candy).

  5. This form intrigues me ... your poem is spectacular! Oh yes, Mr. Quinn is quite a guy. Whew.

    1. That touch of the Irish in him doesn't hurt, either.

  6. This is delicious! And I think rizz has little to do with age, especially when it comes to quickening. Did I mention that this poem is delicious?

    1. Thank you, delighted you think so! (All those things).

  7. Oh Rosemary (sly smile), you got yourself all rizzed up for this one… 😏😉 …a most engaging write my friend.

  8. Love your term "quickening"....never too old to get a quickening LOL....Rall

    1. Ha ha, glad you appreciated it. Took a bit of thought.

  9. "Broody eyes, crooked smile"....Hmmmm...attractive indeed :)

  10. I loved that movie! There is nothing sexier than broody eyes.

    1. I think it has dated a little. I didn't love it quite so much this time around, after so long. But I nearly did. And the man seemed even more gorgeous this time than I remembered.


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