We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)



Oh, the lust I had 

for that man of magic!

He was drawn to me too.

Power and Karma fused.

But the rite disappointed ...

and we lived far apart.

Email, MySpace, facebook.

Years of friendship growing

to include our life partners.

Confidences shared

in deep understanding.

Workings across distance.

And, just occasionally,

an affectionate exchange

turning ever-so-slightly flirty.

For Friday Writings #131 at Poets and Storytellers United, we are invited to write about re-purposing something – or someone. So I couldn't help thinking of this particular magical collaborator, a one-time lover who became, by mutual choice, a longstanding friend instead. We were undoubtedly bonded by a powerful karmic tie; it seems we initially mistook the nature of the attraction. Or perhaps – as my time in his country was short, but our connection both fated and necessary – our guides made sure it would be almost impossible for us to resist interacting!


  1. I'm glad there was a glorious connection - some of the best things do not last forever I suppose - Jae

    1. Well, it was actually better as a friendship, and in that form did last – um, let's see, about 18 years.

  2. Lovely when that happens and people stay friends, despite breakups or maybe because of them! Repurposing, indeed!!!

    1. Yes, it was the best possible result really, for both of us.

  3. It's rare such a relationship change held ... the glue perhaps was that the friendship it became never lost its brush with romance.

    1. Or perhaps that from the first we had more than the attraction in common.

  4. Having more than an attraction in common is a beautiful thing!

  5. Rosemary, if this is real, then I am happy for you. If fiction then I still like your compilation of a distance romance. It turned our good, nice perpetual friendship. I have lost contact with every girl/woman that I have known or had a relationship with. Mrs. Jim is jealous of some of our mutual friends, she thinks there is something between. Even since most of my blogging friends are ladies she is jealous to an extent there.

    1. It's real. Most of my stiuff is 'confessional;' if fictional, I'd probably try to make that clear either in the text or a note.

      I think in this case both of our life partners were exceptional in that they could accept our friendship without jealousy, even knowing of the way it began. Of course, there was no need for them to feel jealous — we chose to be with them and not each other — but that doesn't always stop people from feeling it.

  6. OK OK OK ... we 80+ year old ladies must stick together! I have a cyber-crush on a blogging poet I read. He will never know of course, and I will NEVER tell. Your poem is one of the most delightful EVER.

    1. Thanks, Helen; that's nice to be told. And I'm happy to stick with you any time! Cyber-sisterhood is good too.

  7. That sounds like a fun friendship. I believe in the karmic nature of some connections. There are things that just feel too powerful to be merely chance.


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