We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


On Being Asked to Tell a Tall Tale and Make it Funny [Revision]

But I don’t feel like laughing, and I’ve no tales to tell 

tall enough to top the reality of our world right now. 


Once upon a time a species on this planet grew too fast, 

too large. Dinosaurs? No, us: breeding and breeding.

You’ve seen it with other animals. Overcrowding 

leads to aggression, fights to the death. 

Sometimes earth creates plague, or famine, to interrupt

burgeoning numbers. Sometimes that’s not enough.

This species became so big it blotted out the sun. Or perhaps it was the opposite? Anyway, climate changed.


A sudden plague wiped out millions … 

still didn’t quite do the job. New wars began – 

though most of us knew this was not the way home 

to a safe place, living in balance with nature.

The powerful don’t care. 

Survival? We haven’t a prayer.

[Revised 24 June 2024. Earlier draft posted 12 April 2024.]

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