Time after time I imbibe my fine libations
(prescribed). I try to find ways to tie my mind
to this tiresome task, reminding my wild self
my life depends on it, and why I desire
this life to unwind slowly, not lightly fly
too fast into nothingness. To stay a while yet,
to fight to be I. ‘I am the light!’ I cry.
And my mind, even on the slightest shift,
the tiniest tangent, never mind one so mighty,
replies by trying to define the why of this cry:
why I, so minute, so minor, aspire to be light,
in fact to be THE light. The sun in the sky?
Dare I fly so high? What lies behind this
quiet pining to become in time a kind of fire?
I shy away from further enquiries, liking
questions better than replies which might
or might not provide bona fide answers
to guide my soul in the right direction.
Night falls – lightly, silently, but timely,
defining the (rightly) finite kind of this
fine exploration or wild speculation or
benign diversion … now silence is mine.
Written to my own prompt for Friday Writings #166 at Poets and Storytellers United, in which I invite people to choose one letter/sound and see what happens when they concentrate on that in a piece of writing.
I think a lot of nonsense has happened in this case! And it's hard for me to discern what effect the 'I' sound has, except perhaps to slow the movement down at times. In this case I wasn't choosing a sound to have an expected, particular effect. I was more exploring, to see what effect this repetition might have. I wanted to see what a vowel sound would do, and chose this one at random.