We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


(Sevenling) When I met you

For Dallas

When I met you in the prison poetry workshop, 

you were wary, untrusting; gradually decided I was real; 

transferred months later, surprised me with a quick kiss goodbye.

In the years until you were free, we wrote letters.

I came to the hospital when your first child was born.

Later, his mother and you helped me through illness and injury.

The night you died, your spirit woke me from sleep to let me know.

The NaPoWriMo prompt today is to write a platonic love poem, addressed directly to the object of one's affections, and include at least three memories of engaging with them. Although this poem doesn't mention the word love, I trust it's evident in what is said.

Later revisions

1 (very changed) see here.

2  (back closer to the original):

When I met you

in the prison poetry workshop

you were wary, untrusting

gradually decided I was real. 

Transferred months later

you surprised me: a quick kiss goodbye.

In the years until you were freed 

we wrote long letters.

I came to the hospital with gifts 

when your first child was born.

Later, his mother and you 

helped me through illness and injury.

The night you died 

your spirit woke me from sleep to let me know.


  1. I’m so pleased to see you here, Rosemary, and I love the way you described the beginning of the relationship with your ‘psychic twin’, and the way it developed. But what a sad ending.

    1. Yes ... still, he lasted into his seventies and lived a happy and useful life. But I do miss him! (Though that final visit was a great gift.)

  2. Jane Dougherty2 April 2024 at 20:17

    Very moving xx

  3. How fortunate are those of us who have known our “physic twin”


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