We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Observing Poppi


I watch how her fur catches the sun.

It’s not really black. The highlights gleam

a warm reddish-brown.

I watch her curl and flex and stretch,

doing her slow cat-yoga routine,

then I reach to stroke her soft belly.

She folds herself in,

purrs, relaxes, and slowly sinks into a dream.

Where do our souls wander, after the light is gone?

The NaPoWriMo prompt is to describe a place or object in sensual detail, then end with an abstract, philosophical line which seems not to be related to the rest but really is.

The Poem A Day prompt is to write a form poem, or an anti-form poem, or both. I decided on the Magic 9 form (nine lines with abacadaba rhyme scheme and no other rules) and to make my main (a) rhymes half-rhymes.

Also sharing this with Friday Writings #123 at Poets and Storytellers United: April.


  1. Oh that last line works perfectly!!!

  2. Where indeed. My wife recently died and it is so hard to think that someone so lovely just no longer exists. Applies to cats too.

    1. I feel for you!
      I have had many experiences which lead me to believe the soul continues – but where, how, etc., that I don't know. That being said, I am thankful above all that my dear late husband and other loved ones did exist and that I have the good memories.

  3. A brilliant thought, Where do our souls wander, after the light is gone? Nice.

  4. Yes the last line is beautiful and really works. Lovely words.

  5. We know smaller animals aren't likely to live as long as we do in the flesh, but we can also be certain that they live as long as we do in our memories.


  6. I love this!!! You captured the sensuality of cats as they stretch and warm in sunlight perfectly ... the last line is a heart-stopper.

  7. I find an intermix of sensuousness and raw emotions here

  8. Poppi gives you so much joy as cats do. They are heaven sent....One more week !. It has gone quickly. ! ....Rall

    1. Indeed, she is a great treasure in my life.
      Yes, it has gone quickly this year.

  9. "Where do our souls wander, after the light is gone?", best medicine is another pet to replace the lost one. Mom Nature or Diety made it that way.
    BTW, our daughter has a nice, really friendly black cat, a Russian Blue. Yours seems like it might also be that variety?

    1. No Poppi is Burmese, and her colour is officially called Sable, which is a very dark brown which mostly looks black, but isn't quite. I am hoping she will stay alive a long time yet.

  10. Where, where do our souls wander.......you have woven the question beautifully into the poem

  11. Wonderfully expressed with a philosophical question that has baffled everyone for ages!
    Souls are immortal. They are in an eternal journey of many lives and deaths as per their own Karma.

    1. Yes, I know this. But in between times? (It seems they do not always reincarnate immediately.)

  12. I enjoyed the vividness of your imagery, especially "slow cat-yoga routine". I can feel it relaxing my muscles, inviting my aches to join in...

  13. I love the soft contemplative feel of it. I feel like I'm stretching right alongside Poppi.


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