We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


An Ode to My Doona

You’re natural – but filled with wool, not feathers.

No swans died to create your nurturing warmth.

Your exterior’s colourful, beautiful.

I crave your embrace!

It’s autumn again. Welcome back to my bed!

This is our time. How faithfully we return 

to each other, our long connection always

blissful to renew.

I remember when Andrew and I found you,

almost disbelieving our great good fortune.

You were such a rarity, such a treasure –

now even more so.

You have comforted me in my aloneness

now that Andrew is no longer here to share

my bed, nor share your handsome presence thereon.

Thank you, my doona.

The NaPo prompt this time was to write an ode to something ordinary. The PAD prompt dovetailed nicely, being to write a love poem (and/or an anti-love poem, but I ignored that option).  We were shown some irregular odes by Neruda, but I decided on a Sapphic ode, extending it from a single stanza to several verses.


  1. The love of your Andrew makes the poem a sweet cozy read -- like an enveloping and warm doona. Thanks for posting.


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