We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Shades of Purple

I didn’t wait to be old to wear purple.

I don’t need to dress in black to be a witch.

I’ve worn purple (with touches of black) 

just for the love of it, all my adult life.

My magic cloak is rich magenta –

though I know why witches of old 

wore hooded cloaks of black, as they crept

at midnight to their woodland rites.

It was dangerous then to be known.

Best to blend into shade, unseen.

It may still be wise, today, to stay discreet –

but now we’re disguised by light, by colour.

Even when I shift to dragon shape,

my silver scales have purple undersides

which cast a play of faint mauve shadows,

a ripple of lilac or lavender, if you blink. 

But you won’t observe me shift. You won’t see

my dragon shape at all. You’ll never know

I’m a magical being. You’ll love me sweetly 

in all shades of purple, believing I have no secrets.

The NaPoWriMo prompt for this day was to focus on a single colour. The Poem A Day prompt was to write a trope poem. (A trope is a common plot device in genre writing.) I chose the Fantasy trope of a human falling in love with someone who is secretly a magical being.

The first line refers to Jenny Joseph's wonderful poem, 'Warning

'Purple' is one of my favourite words, for what it describes and also for how it both sounds and feels in the mouth when said aloud. So this is a good poem to use in reponse to Friday Writings #125 at Poets and Storytellers United, asking us to write about, or use, a favourite word. ('Magenta' is a favourite too, for the same reasons.)


  1. "Even when I shift to dragon shape," those scales persist. Not sure about the dragons having scales on their underside?
    I'm double glad you did the shift, I think I owe you a link to my dragon site, Dragon Day. Thank you.

    1. Surely you don't doubt what I say? They are sometimes depicted incorrectly by artists and film-makers. But in any case I wasn't talking here about the dragon's underside, but by the underside of each scale. See also my reply to Rajani.

    2. PS Yes please, I'd like that link.

  2. my silver scales have purple undersides - that had me smiling! people do have amazing secrets!!! :)

    1. Well, the way the scales are set in, it's hard to see the undersides, except for a faint ripple when I move, so it's not surprising if you never noticed.

  3. Remember: sometimes the dragon wins. Nice imagery.

  4. Thanks, Rosemary. I missed the point, I'm sorry.

    1. That's OK, it gave me the opportunity to have a little fun with you.

  5. Yes Purple is a very special colour and there is a mysticism that perhaps we don't or can't get naturally, it is a spiritual dimension. Interesting poem and thoughts.

  6. Am bewitched by the idea of being disguised by light. The word purple does have a pleasant sound and mouths do pucker up nicely when said. :)

  7. Ladies in their 80s who wear purple ~ I salute, bow down, respect. You wear it well!

  8. Way to combine all the prompts into a delightful piece!

  9. With this shape shifting thing...you haven't been hiding behind my curtains recently, have you?

    1. Do you really think I would admit to it if I had, LOL?

  10. I love the mysterious feel to this, Rosemary. Obviously, I am a huge fan of purple!


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