We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


An Unfinished Project

I look at 

my face, unadorned

in the mirror.

I decide it’s

a good face, 

an uncompromising face.

All those wrinkles –

years forming – show

I’ve been expressive.

The hooded eyes,

small and dim,

are deeply knowing.

That set mouth

is not grimacing.

No, it’s soft

when you look;

but in repose

is still, closed.

This face is

waiting to be

aroused, interested, moved.

It’s not yet

at the end

of its journey.

It may still

develop new marks

of its passage,

of its involvement

in the life

unfolding around it

and the life –

ever new, unknown –

developing behind it.

Written for Friday Writings #79 at Poets and Storytellers United.


  1. We are just work-in-progress...forever.. what a relief that is! And yes, good face, uncompromising face. Agree!

    1. Thank you kindly! And yes, it would be terrible to stop progressing.

  2. I too like it very much. I think a "make over" is in the making. Next 'step'.

    1. Ha ha, I do wear a touch of make-up sometimes, but at 83 I am never going to not look old!

  3. Beautifully said. I wish we could flash as young people in and out so people can see we are so much more than they see.

  4. There is wonder in your thoughts and a future in never feeling finished.

  5. Beautiful and true. A wonderful exercise, too. I think we should all take the time to poetize our faces, and maybe our bodies... to celebrate the lived experiences and what's yet to come.

    Love your words (and face).

    1. I'm glad you do! It was a first-thing-in-the-morning face (can you tell that's a pyjama top I'm wearing?). I confess I often think things like,'Poor old face!' when I see it in the mirror, but on that particular morning was moved to stop and take a good look with a dispassionate eye. Yes, I think all our faces – and bodies – and lives! – might be well worth such examination.

  6. As long as you continue to enjoy your life which you seem to do I think you still have a few cerebral adventures ahead of you. Keep on keeping on :)....Cressida

  7. I love this. It speaks to the ability to yet be intrigued by life and continue to be works in progress as long as we draw breath

    1. Yes, how sad if we did not! I'm glad you love it.

  8. Yes, living is an unfinished project. :)
    The other day, I went to the barber and said to keep the hair short. He gave me a GI cut, almost bald. Haven't had such a close crop since my army days. I thought it didn't look too bad either. 😁

    1. Oh dear, LOL, hard to imagine. I'm glad it looks OK.

  9. I became extraordinarily emotional as I read your poem, Rosemary. It is me, every-woman who has passed the age of (well I will keep that number secret) and each word, each description, sentiment FITS perfectly.

    1. Bless you, my dear Helen, for this heartfelt comment! I love what you say; thank you.

    2. I love this, the beauty of life unfolding in our everyday life, with an attitude of loving ourselves

    3. Thank you, Jossina, for your appreciation.

  10. So thoughtful and so true! I love this poem! You have very mysterious hooded eyes, Rosemary :-)

    1. That last remark gave me a giggle! And I'm touched and pleased by the rest of your comment.


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