We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Soon there will be no more


talks with Amanda
coffee with Angela

each leaving
this expensive
flood-prone town.

Love and friendship
are lasting but

their smiles




What is the light

to turn towards 

to follow?

that which rises 

inside you:

beacon signpost


bright sparkling



heat source





our world

more and more 


we look away

yet a man creates 

a new kind of school 

based in democracy

a woman writer advises

keep responding to light



Oh, the lust I had 

for that man of magic!

He was drawn to me too.

Power and Karma fused.

But the rite disappointed ...

and we lived far apart.

Email, MySpace, facebook.

Years of friendship growing

to include our life partners.

Confidences shared

in deep understanding.

Workings across distance.

And, just occasionally,

an affectionate exchange

turning ever-so-slightly flirty.

For Friday Writings #131 at Poets and Storytellers United, we are invited to write about re-purposing something – or someone. So I couldn't help thinking of this particular magical collaborator, a one-time lover who became, by mutual choice, a longstanding friend instead. We were undoubtedly bonded by a powerful karmic tie; it seems we initially mistook the nature of the attraction. Or perhaps – as my time in his country was short, but our connection both fated and necessary – our guides made sure it would be almost impossible for us to resist interacting!



'How many carats should I weigh this love?'

This love

can’t walk on water

won’t fit your finger

doesn’t melt pain


promises nothing

rescues no-one.


This love

sees with the heart

walks through walls

gives the invisible


a dream that grows

real roses.

From my recent chapbook, Letters to a Dead Man,* released 

2023(This piece first written 1982. 

For Friday Writings #130 at Poets and Storytellers United, 

Magaly invites us to be inspired by a quotation from a book 

we've just read. I just read the delightful The Lost Bookshop 

by EvieWoods, in which one character tells another that a 

certain inscription in French 'means that one sees clearly only 

with the heart.' He then notes that it is a quotation from 

Antoine de Saint-Exupery – which is where I first came across 

it, ithe book The Little Prince, translated as: 'It is only with 

the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible 

to the eye' (the original source of my allusion in this poem – 

which, obviously, was not written for the present prompt, but 

fits it serendipitously). 

*Letters to a Dead Man is obtainable via my website 
