We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Just Another Night At Home [prose]

Just Another Night At Home

Late night, wet night, but in here warm and dry. I like the deep nights without intrusion: the street silent, my thoughts clear. I'm reading poems online, sinking into them ... I'm lulled by the rain....

The small one sneezes softly, just once, from down there by my left knee – a favourite spot of hers during my desk times. The sound brings me out of the trance I’d begun falling into.

It's as if she's warning me, ’Hey, you’re getting tired. Better get up from there now and go to bed.’

Always something of a habit of hers, looking after me like this: the tiny sneeze meant as a signal. (Not much of a miaow-er this one; and purring mostly reserved for later, when actually in the bed together.)

I don’t even need to turn my head to see her there, her own head tilted up quizzically: that pretty little face, white whiskers crisp against black fur.…

Of course I know that when I do turn my head, I won’t see her – not with my eyes. It’s just over a year ago that she left me, unable to anchor herself in her slight body any longer. I’m touched that she still comes to say hello, still looks after me. I guess there are all kinds of angels.

wet night outside
but safe in here and cosy
in spite of tears

Shared with Rommy's Weekly Scribblings #10 at Poets and Storytellers United, in which she asks, Early Bird or Night Owl? No prizes for guessing which one I am!


  1. Thumbs up on this one, R, though if I were thusly monitored I'd probably call an exorcist. That's just me, though; I can see that you and she still get along famously. Well done.

  2. Oh Rosemary! Yes it has been a over a year now that Selene isn't among us .. *gentle hugs* I agree there are all kinds of angels .. and am betting she visits you often. I especially like the idea of being lulled by the rain. It's quite comforting at times.

  3. This brought memories and tears .....

  4. Oh so sad. The line with all kinds of angels made me read a little slower there
    Happy you dropped by my blog today

    Much ❤love

  5. This was an awesome way to handle the prompt. The tone is just terrific and the end left me a little misty-eyed too.

  6. Sooo good, Rosemary. I enjoyed surprise after surprise, no many but leading and then elaborated well.
    I second and first guessed fair on most. My favorite line, "looking after me." Seems as us OBE's get looked after and helped even when they're not wanted or needed. Like if you fall seems a crowd rushes in to help you up. But you just want to lay there for a while. I did, bloody and also limping when I got up.

    1. If that was a recent fall, hope you are well recovered now, Jim.

  7. I understand, Rosemary. This is well written and I believe they watch over us still.

  8. Beautifully written Rosemary. How genuine pets love is and how it hurts that we eventually have to cope with them dying.

  9. Such a touching homage to a sweet kitty. She's still about, methinks!

  10. Oh this speaks to my heart..a mixture of joy and tears. It is so beautiful to know our loved ones, animal and human, come to us when we need them.

  11. Oh. I love my kitties. And the twist in the middle rung my heart. Sounds like you might benefit from another faithful friend, though.

  12. A warm and lovely remembrance, though sad.


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