We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


NaHaiWriMo 2021, Days 1-7

NaHaiWriMo 2021 Days 1-7

(Responding to prompts at the NaHaiWriMo facebook group)

Day 1: Monday morning

days’ edges blur

in the time of COVID – 

is this Monday?

Day 2: Dreams

my dreams

keep waking me –

what’s real?

Day 3: Landslide

behind my lids

houses collapse and fold

over and over

Earlier version:

behind my eyes

houses concertina 


Day 4: I’m so afraid

darkened sky

cancelling daylight –

storm or fire?

Day 5: Songbird

solitary –

a magpie warbling

at dawn

Earlier version:

one distant song –
a magpie warbling
alone at dawn

Day 6: The chain

her old gate –

the rusty chain


Day 7: Tusk

his tool and weapon 

his own greatest danger –

his ivory tusks

Dear readers, I'm open to suggestions for improving these; also would appreciate opinions on alternative versions where applicable.


  1. I love the way this series is based on the days of the week, Rosemary. Days 1 and 2 are so apt and identifiable. I’ve only ever seen a landslide on television or film, but ‘houses collapse and fold’ is a perfect way to describe the feeling of uncertainty and fear I have been feeling for the past year. The warbling magpie is a familiar sound, we have one that visits our garden, which I hope will become more than one this spring! I prefer the later version.

    1. Your magpie is a different species from ours, Kim. One of our poets once described the song of our magpie as 'carolling' and it's very apt. It's such a musical song, I always think that nightingales (which I confess I haven't heard) could not be more beautiful.

  2. Like the earlier landslide, but the recent magpie.

  3. Lots of little gems here Rosemary and to recognise too - yr first stanza in particular! I also especially the concertina of the houses, the dangle of the rusty chain at the gate and the way you use ivory tusks - all very vivid and effective...

  4. Several years ago I wrote a lot of some pretty average Haiku poetry (and haibun) and seeing alternative versions like yours gives me an itch again. Although it's fun to try all forms of poetry eventually the prompts subject normally sets the style of my writing now.

  5. Happy February


    much love...

  6. So dreamy. I love the day condensed so. Very potent that way. Thanks for fixing my link.

  7. Your awareness of human nature is succinctly captured in your poems. And the "Landslide" image is so vivid, in the revised version.

  8. Lovely words. I enjoyed watching the solitary magpie warbling at dawn. Here's hoping danger for the tusks is eradicated for good. It's just sad. Storm or fire? Storm anytime. I imagine Hepzibah on Day 6. This is so much fun.

  9. I like them all very much, Rosemary, especially the journalistic feel of them. Like J Cosmo, I prefer the first version of "Landslide" and the second version of "Songbird".

    P.S. Thank you for introducing me to NaHaiWriMo.

  10. Rosemary, in my opinion both edited versions are better than the previous ones--that being said, I love this--especially where you start and where you end up--great write!

  11. My favorites are 5 and 7, but I like them all and feel the edited versions are improved. I looked up the song of the Australian magpie, and found it unrelated to mine, the Black-Billed. Mine are corvids and sound like squawking jays!

    1. Yes; see my reply to Kim above. Hearing our magpie singing in the clear dawn is hauntingly beautiful.

  12. I'm drawn to the Dreams one. Possibly because things feel extra surreal with the back to back snow storms keeping us even more shut in than usual.

  13. Thanks in particular to those who left comments about alternate versions. Much appreciated!

  14. Thanks for the intro to NaHaiWriMo are my faves
    4 and 6 are my faves
    Landslide earlier version
    Songbird recent version
    question marks - only very occasionally

  15. Your edits were perfect. I love each one of these. The first two speak right to the heart of what we're living.


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