We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Haiku on Friday Feb. '21

Haiku on Friday, Feb. '21
(including – or maybe mostly – senryu)

15 years a group

Haiku on Friday becomes

my private practice


on my holiday

reading writing walks TV

as on other days



summer rains –

weeds flourish uncleared

because snakes


steady rain

one brief bird call

through the dark


What's Haiku on Friday? See here.

Shared with Poets and Storytellers United at their Writers' Pantry #62. (Apologies to those who saw them already on Instagram.)


  1. All delightful; even the snake one as it reminded me of the first house we built in England and the snakes on the block were a bit annoyed we had taken their territory!

    1. It's hard for me to realise England had (has?) snakes too!

  2. Haiku on Friday sounds great! I’ve missed my daily haiku writing with Carpe Diem. My favourite, which evoked Australian bird sounds:
    ‘steady rain
    one brief bird call
    through the dark’.

    1. I think that's the only one that counts as a real haiku!

  3. i really like the 'steady rain' haiku. it truly shows a lot, leaving the reader to imagine the scene.
    the rest are good too, i chuckle at the 'holiday' senryu. and have i told you about the snakes we came across while we were clearing weeds in our camp? pythons, cobras, coral snakes. :)

  4. I am primed to write more haiku and senryu .... aren't you the wonderful inspiration???!!!

  5. My barefoot days ended when I stepped on a snake while mowing the lawn! I loved the bird call through the dark especially!

  6. I love how it's like shorthanded way to keep a journal. A splash of poetic record keeping.

    1. It keeps me writing (something) when inspiration is in short supply.

  7. Guess you know the bird call would be my favourite. Happy Sunday. Thanks for dropping by my blog


  8. This one has my vote as well:
    "steady rain
    one brief bird call
    through the dark"
    A couple days ago, I took a break from working to record a lone meadowlark when it let me get a close.

  9. 15 years! I am impressed but not at all surprised.

  10. I liked the snakes too! Maybe haiku is in the heart of the beholder 😉
    Think I’ll check out Haiku Fridays.

    1. As a group it's no longer active, but the writings remain accessible.

  11. Who minds the cop? I might have missed your telling of a collection place?
    I like the "Rain" because of the lone bird call. I've fretted for maybe a month now that I've forgotten how to sing the Mocking Bird call that I learned and used with them. Google maybe has it but right now I'm still fussing.
    My ditty here is short, four lines with 48 syllables and 17 one letter words.
    Glad you still write the shorties, maybe I'll join you some,
    Jim :)

    1. Dear Jim, sorry I can't figure out what your first two sentences refer to!
      But I'm glad you like the bird call, and it's always nice to see you commenting here.

    2. 1) I meant to say coop, not Cop. I think spell fix did men in, I use my Galaxy smart phone to compose and comment.
      2) So who is taking care of the group now that you have left. Where to your readers assimilate? I am thinking there is no group control?

    3. Ah! Thanks for clarifying. With fb groups, the admin (which was me) can Archive them. This means that they remain visible and readable, but no longer active. No-one can post anything there any more, but it is not the same thing as closing them completely, which would mean they would vanish. I wanted to keep the names solely for those groups if possible, for historic and sentimental reasons – so I hope the fact that those group names still exist on fb will discourage anyone else from using them. It's not foolproof, but my best bet.

  12. My favourite is the bird call. Lovely.

    1. It's everyone's favourite, I think the only true haiku among several senryu. You all have unerring taste!

  13. I like the line, "because snakes." That's a good reason! XD

    1. Indeed! I'm planning to wait until we are well past these summer rains, when the snakes will be back in hibernation.


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