earrings and lipstick
in solitary lockdown –
for my own delight
rushing wind
blows harder – relieving
the days’ sameness
after poohing
little cat runs up and down
no, yowling kitty,
I can’t stop your tummy-ache —
pooh for yourself
she leaps lightly
to the highest shelf —
guardian cat
Apologies if you've already seen these individually on Instagram and/or facebook. Here is their context:
Lesson 3 in Write Like Issa by David Lanoue is about comic haiku, the humour residing in down-to-earth images which might not usually be considered fit subjects for poetry, such as bodily functions. He says , 'A successful comic haiku in the style of Issa should provoke, in a breath, both laughter and thought.'
The above, written while I was reading this chapter, were responses to whatever was happening in the moment. Though hopefully earthy and unpretentious, they aren't particularly funny – some not at all. However, the examples Lanoue cites are of gentle humour rather than side-splitting. He further says that such haiku reveal 'ironies and absurdities in ordinary life', so perhaps in that way I come close.
Sharing with Poets and Storytellers United at Writers' Pantry #87.