We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Saturday Morning Lazy

Saturday Morning Lazy

I sleep in to 8.20 – after reading in bed until 2.30am.

Warmth wakes me. Our late (sub-tropical) Winter resembles early Spring.

My little cat has had a vomit after eating grass, as cats do. Aha! the new passage floor is vinyl – quick and easy to clean.

I find her drowsing on one of the rugs brought from her old home five months ago. It's one she's previously ignored. She settled in here well – already knew me, soon loved and trusted – but perhaps craves extra security just now? Recent renovations have changed some details of the space.

A gentle pat, then I leave her be.

I go to my computer for another look at my revamped poetry blog. Another gloat. I finished it last night, and I love it so much! I changed the theme so my ‘Follow’ option is visible without hunting. I found a deep red background reminiscent of both the elegant, stylised roses of my original ‘Enheduanna’s Daughter’ and the naturalistic rose of its predecessor, ‘The Passionate Crone’.

I’m renovating all my environments!

A little play on facebook ... suddenly it’s 9.14 and I haven’t had breakfast. Not even coffee! Well, it’s the weekend. Late breakfasts still in jammies are the way to go. On weekend mornings I can treat myself to lovely, unhealthy raisin toast. I do.

I look out my front door through the flywire. Not rainy, but not all that sunny either. 

I fetch a jug of water and give my jade bush on the porch a quick drink, with an overflow to my geraniums in the ground below.

Inside, I refill the vase of the sunflower a friend gave me eight days ago. It’s wilting a little. I draw back the curtain further and turn the flower to the light – but this heat-proof house doesn’t let in much sun.

House? It’s a unit. Two bedrooms. Poppi-cat thinks the spare room's hers. When I moved in there during renovations, she was thrilled. Relationship, to her, means togetherness – what better could I possibly have to do? But my nurturing space is my own bedroom. She joins me sometimes. Mostly we have daytime cuddles.

I write. The morning passes. Now a shower before lunch.

Sharing with Writers' Pantry #83 at Poets and Storytellers United.


  1. Lazy is the mood and its all good
    Happy Sunday


  2. Poetry has layers like the petals of that rose. Life goes on and writing is an anchor.

  3. i like the casual and relaxed tone of this post. really a lazy morning.
    renovating the online real estate can be fun too. :)

  4. The perfect portrayal of the lazy Saturday of a contented woman! Thanks for sharing it with us. When all is said and done, you will have en entirely different look to your personal world! Good for you!

  5. Much enjoyed your speaking of your day.

    1. I'm glad you did; I hoped people would. Thanks for saying so.

  6. That sounds like a perfectly lovely Saturday, and a charming companion to share it with.

  7. Your lazy morning is enticing, and well deserved after all the renovating and revamping.

    Your site looks beautiful. The deep red background is elegant, indeed. I also took the liberty to browse around lured by the nicely labelled pages. Goodness me, I never realised all things poetry you do around the web and beyond. You're really committed to this art form!

    And oh, I am INFJ too. :)

    1. Nice to know you're another of our rare breed!

      Yes, I was only eight when I decided I could do nothing more useful or fulfilling with my life than give it to the making of poetry! I've never had cause to change my mind. Thanks for the browsing, and I'm glad you like the revamped blog.

      I have been very busy for many weeks; it was great to take a rest, yes.

  8. I love the tone and mood of this piece, Rosemary. As I read, I felt the ease of the day, how well the environments fits the speaker and welcomes the reader. I enjoyed how much I can relate to the feeling of the day slipping by (in the best of ways) while I tweak something online or off. I really like the details--so very vivid--Poppi reclaiming her old rug, the wilting flower...

    And I love the new theme and layout!

    1. Thanks, Magaly; I'm lapping up your love for the post and the blog.

  9. I love mornings like these--I don't get too many of them although we are inching toward retirement. I am 65 now and my husband is 68 --it is getting closer--I think about all the time I will have to write!

    1. We need a nice balance of work and rest in our lives, I think.

      Anything that has you do more of your lovely writing can only be good!

  10. well, your blog looks lovely, and your cat looks very comfy... life is good!

  11. Poppi-cat. I love that! So precious. <3

    1. Or just Poppi most of the time. And sometimes Poppi Cuddlepuss – which she often demonstrates.

  12. Thank you for allowing us a glimpse into your weekend Rosemary. After reading your finely crafted words, I felt like I had enjoyed the colorful calmness at your home. Love Danni

    1. Thanks for reading, Danni. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

  13. Scrumptious ~~ renovations, lazing around, your musings.

    1. It’s really nice to know people have enjoyed this. I hoped … but worried that it might be self-indulgent and boring. I’m grateful to you and others who have expressed pleasure in It.

  14. I love this description of a day in the life of a writer. Thanks, Rosemary!


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