We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Seasonal Dreams

Seasonal Dreams

Across the world they dream of Spring
with balmy breezes, hazy mist,
dandelions and lizards....
Winter in the northern half of the world
has been very white, very hard.

Here dandelions thrive all summer long
while mists are wintry things. Rivers 
are flooding now, and giant waves lash the coast
as the cyclone passes over. We dream
of autumn’s lesser heat and gentler wind.

Written for Season Your Poetry at 'imaginary garden with real toads', where Toni asks us to choose from a list of seasonal words applying to Spring in Japan, or at least the Northern Hemisphere. (So of course I had to do a bit of subverting.)


  1. A cyclone! Yikes! Strange weather everywhere. The wild things are uneasy. This is lovely, Rosemary.

  2. I'm with you on this one, Rosemary.

  3. So different... and also for me, as it's way too early to think a lot about spring yet... a few days of thaw is not spring.

  4. Fascinating - the climate of other countries.

  5. Oh my days! Dreams vs nightmares, eh?

  6. Weather has been crazy all over the place. Spring and flowers are your forte when it comes to photography Rosemary, but your poetry is gorgeous! 😍🌷

  7. Love hearing about other climates. What a difference!

  8. I love the second stanza, Rosemary, especially the contrast of unwritten colours in:
    ‘Here dandelions thrive all summer long
    while mists are wintry things…’

  9. Weather is fickle as of late. Our last and only frost in the Houston area this winter was in January. Some plants have an inborn calendar and go by it, others wet there finger and point to the sky to 'see' what the day will be like.
    I reckon you've come back to earth now after your fancy poetry reading affair? That's how I'll remember you from now on. A beautiful night.


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