We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Hello Earth #11

Hello Earth

Here I am after a quiet, wet day of doing quiet things.

Earth, as the rainy sky made the horizon shrink in close, I felt wrapped up and protected, mentally snuggling into my home.

Leaning in, feeling looked after, I only went out once, to put the bins on the street for tomorrow’s collection. My shoes brought long brown leaves back into the house.

Listing gratitudes, I’m warmed by the pleasure of having my lawn mowed today. I’m always glad to see Phil’s cheerful face, and I’m grateful that he cuts the lawn perfectly, not too short and not too long, and for how good it looks afterwards.

Offering these simple, everyday pleasures into the truth of my life, I cherish my life.

Written in (the Australian) Winter, but sharing in late Spring with Poets and Storytellers United via Writers' Pantry #47.


  1. We really need to love this Earth for our children's sakes. Sadly there is always someone rubbing their hands with glee at the profit that can be made by destroying it.

  2. I’ve had a few of those quiet, wet days of doing quiet things, Rosemary, and I love the way you describe how ‘the rainy sky made the horizon shrink in close;’ and you ‘felt wrapped up and protected’, a familiar feeling over here in the UK. I also love the fine detail of the leaves brought into the house – those ‘simple, everyday pleasures’, for which I’m truly thankful.

  3. Oh this is so lovely...a perfect poem.

  4. A rainy sky makes me happy, and when it rains I feel alive whatever mood I am in. Life is filled with wonder. Thanks for the beautiful words.

  5. I had a simple pleasure day too the other day: a nice walk in nature, time to curl up with a good book, a good talk with each of my kids, and cartoons! You don't always need something big to happen for a day to be really good.

  6. Oh for the simple ghings of life and a grateful heart
    Happy Sunday


  7. i like the little details in this charming poem of simple, mundane activities. :)

  8. I love this one, Rosemary. Life is better for all, when we appreciate the small things. And that has never been as true and as important as it is these days. Thank goodness for fresh lawns, and for other small delights.

  9. Your post filled my heart to almost bursting ..... cheers.

  10. It's wonderful that you love your life. How else could you enjoy such a lovely day and say hello to earth. Enjoyed this so much.

  11. I so love your conversations with Earth, Rosemary. Our very senior years, if we're lucky, teach us to savor the small pleasures we used to take for granted.


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