We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


Hello Earth #22

Hello Earth

Here I am again. We’ve got to NOT stop meeting like this! I learn so much more about myself than I’d ever have known without these truthful, open-ended conversations. I never expected this simple practice would be so revelatory. (Yes, conversations, not monologues. You may not respond in words, dear Earth, but you are present, you listen, and you do return answers. You turn the conversation, more often than not, in directions I didn’t anticipate. And so I learn.)

Earth, the cold creeps in closer day by day. Yet it’s clothed in clear, bright sun. Both things take me by surprise each year, even though they should not be unexpected by now. It’s the same with my trumpet vines which bloom glorious orange each winter, a profusion indeed expected yet bursting into being sensationally new. Each year, in new delight, I take new photos. They look like the old, but never quite identical.

Leaning in, I savour being who I am where I am. How amazing to have reached this plateau where I have attained all I dreamed of for my life. Some of those dreams have run their course, but not before being fulfilled. It is what one hopes old age might look like: comfortable enough; rich in friends and family who care about me; free to  pursue activities I enjoy. And I find that contentment can become cloying! Eventually one needs the zing of the unexpected: the new, the challenging, having somewhere still to go, more room to grow. I consult the Tarot at Solstice for forward guidance. 'Change!' 'Transformation!' 'New beginnings!' I’m gobsmacked. I’m reluctant. Then I’m excited.

Listing gratitudes, I give thanks that the adventure of my life is not yet past. I contemplate the possibility of not ending my days having arrived at some perfect completion, but in the middle of still chaotically travelling through the unexpected, still looking ahead … the possibility that it is indeed better to travel than to arrive. (Hastily I reassure my child-self – who has never left me – that there can be small, temporary arrivals along the way, places to sit awhile and enjoy.)

Offering myself and you all this, dear Earth, I name it Possibility.

Another 369-worder, for sharing at Poets and Storytellers United's Weekly Scribblings #25: Well, That Was Unexpected.


  1. Ooh such beautiful trumpet vines, Rosemary!💘 I so enjoy reading your 'earthello' poems 🥰 they are a lovely blend of contemplation, awe and gradual conclusion. Especially love and resonate with; "Eventually one needs the zing of the unexpected: the new, the challenging, having somewhere still to go, more room to grow." Don't stop writing them! xo

    1. Thank you, dear Sanaa! I intend to keep writing them, but will scale back from daily to perhaps weekly once this first 30 are completed.

  2. May you face the possibilities with enthusiasm and that your rewards shine upon you for untold blessings. Your energy is transformative, Rosemary.

  3. I love the chatty tone of this ‘Hello Earth’, Rosemary, and the feeling that Earth is truly listening and responding, in orange trumpet vines and the Tarot.

  4. Whether it is trumpet vines or something quite different, it is so good to be part of the broader picture of life. This way you can feel that you were a small but still important part of life. Your post is so beautifully written Rosemary.

    1. Thank you,Robin. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.,

  5. Luv the gratitude and keen sense of adventure in your poem.
    Thanks for dropping by to read mine


  6. EARTH to Rosemary: You are a breath of fresh coolish air ....

  7. Beautifully expressed! It is great to keep travelling than to arrive. Knowing that there is more to learn and experience each and every day makes my life exciting and worth living.

  8. I feel a bit as if I'm eavesdropping on a conversation between dear old friends. Here's to more adventures and enjoying all the side trips.

    1. Thank you for the wonderful wish! And I like to think the Earth and I are friends.

    2. Oh how wonderful this is, Rosemary. Like two friends chatting at a table. It really is the traveling, and not the destination. I wish you more trumpet vines, and unexpected times.

    3. And thank you for your lovely wish, too!

  9. I love your trumpet vines, and your description of your present contentment might well be about me! In younger days, when I felt a bit of ennui, I'd search for some new activity. Now I'm afraid the new activities need to be mental and not physical! Poets and Storytellers has become one of those new activities, for which I'm immensely grateful.

    1. And we are so grateful you come and play with us, dear Bev!

  10. I'm so grateful for this hope-filled piece. Thank you!


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