We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage / And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die, / We Poets of the proud old lineage / Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why ... (James Elroy Flecker)


A Pause in the Long Goodbyes

  A Pause in the Long Goodbyes

My night cat prowls the house

deliberately, yowling low, 

glaring at things I can’t see – 

but I think I know.

I was told she hates other cats 

and will want to attack. 

This Samhain night,

I feel the others here.

Tonight is a pause

in the long goodbyes

made to each in turn –

my guardians, my dear familiars.

How strange it must be

for her, confronting 

their unknown, shadowy ghosts

in a place they know and claim.


Them, they‘d surely understand

she is the one who loves me now, 

whose presence keeps me happy, 

healthy, safe. My new protector.

But not from them,

I try to tell her. To them 

I indicate: this one has the right

to be here with me, now.

She calms as midnight 

comes and passes. 

Stroking her, I bless 

and remember them.

Poetic Asides prompt #30 for April 2021: A goodbye poem.

Written and photographed as it was happening.


  1. I really love the clarity of this poem, the seamless way in which imagery and emotion work to let us see what is happening and the unseen... I hope they find a middle place in the end. I bet they will. And I am so happy she is there with you, and that they are visiting through the Veil.

    Blessed Samhain, my darling Rosemary.

    1. Thank you! It has become very clear she is the perfect cat for me at this time – as one would expect of something so orchestrated by the Universe. And I of course am essential to her – if I hadn't turned up in the nick of time, she'd no longer be living!

      I wish you a beautiful Beltane!

  2. You'll told it well, the jealousy the ones who came before towards the newcomers. Mrs. Jim's little chihuahua didn't appreciate me coming one bit. It even assigned me which side of the bed from which to get into.

    1. I'm sure you became more accepted and even a favourite as time went on.

  3. That has happened with every cat I’ve had, Rosemary; they sense the ones that came before, haunting the shadows. I’m not sure whether it’s they or I who still hangs on in these ‘long goodbyes’. I love the way you put yourself in you cat’s paws in the lines:
    ‘How strange it must be
    for her, confronting
    their unknown, shadowy ghosts
    in a place they know and claim’.

    1. From my own experience, I rather think the hanging on might be mutual! However Poppi hasn't seemed to have any such awareness until this particular occasion.

  4. So she can sense their present even though they are now gone? Cats are certainly very sensitive with what is and was happening before their arrival. No doubt she will let you know if she's not happy.

    1. Oh she does that, don't worry! But mostly she seems pretty happy here. All cats are highly psychic, and her previous owners told me she is even more so than most. Also, I have always sensed my 'dear departed' cats sticking around for awhile, which I think other cat owners will also report as quite common – but once a new living cat arrives they seem to know it's OK to move on. Samhain, however, is a special occasion for revisiting; though we usually think of that in human terms.

  5. Reading other writers here is both a pleasure and learning experience. Today I learn of your Samhain celebration. And I dare say, this is one of the best poems by you, for me. Thank you for this vivid and rich imagery that honours the past and the present.

    Best wishes for Samhain!

    1. Thank you, Khaya! Yes, I agree, one of the wonderful things about an international group like this is how much we can learn from each other. And I am delighted you enjoyed the poem so much.

  6. Ah yes the partition, there always is of who is and who was who knows and who sees. Luv this Sunday offering


  7. yes, i like how the details and the emotions work in this poem.
    perhaps she's just jealous of those shadows on Samhain night. she will learn that they were once your protectors.

    1. I think she doesn't like other cats in any case – but the occasional ghosts may be more acceptable to her than if they were living. She makes sure she gets plenty of my attention, and I must say it's easier to cuddle a flesh-and-blood cat.

  8. I've never owned a cat, or rather a cat has never owned me, but I can feel that a cat this intuitive would be a comfort to you.

    1. She is actually the perfect cat for me at this time, mainly because she is so affectionate.

  9. Your bonding with present cat has been an unfolding story, Rosemary....one we've all been privileged to share.

    1. I'm glad you feel that way, Bev. At this time of my life, she is the only Significant Other I have to write about, and of course enthralling to me (smile).

  10. I found it fascinating that you wrote this poem as events unfurled. Well done, Rosemary. I am inspired to give it a go.

  11. I'm not a cat person but when I realized that my son is, I started warming up to cats and I like what I'm discovering about them. Your poem is a wonderful creative addition to my learning. Thanks. I love the images the words evoke.

    1. The most important thing to remember is that they are essentially still wild animals. People domesticated dogs, originally to help with hunting, but cats domesticated themselves once people became agricultural, so as to take advantage of the food source (rodents) attracted to our crops. So cats will never be subservient, nor as trainable as dogs. And for whatever reason, they are all highly psychic.

  12. I love this story of companion animals, past and present, and how the love is always there, though expressed differently depending on which side of the veil you happen to be on.

    1. Oh yes, the connection, once made, is not lost.

  13. Our animal friends often sense things that we do not. We are wise to pay attention to them.

    1. Yes, there are ways in which their awareness is much more heightened than ours.


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