For the (fictional) series, "Edges".
His Voice
One Day, Not Unwelcome
His Voice
One Day, Not Unwelcome
Let it mean what it must,
believe it or not as you choose.
The facts will remain the facts.
The Reaper will come
and I'll find it sweet
to see him glide in on the tide
in the dense heat – like a surfer,
or Jesus walking on water –
and by that I'll know him.
Or up on the slope, the scree
will shift under me and I'll topple
into his waiting arms, happily.
"Here you are!" we'll say to each other
with a little squeal of delight, like old friends,
comfortable and right together.
(I'm not the speaker of this poem.)
Linking to Poets United's Poetry Pantry #404
(I'm not the speaker of this poem.)
Linking to Poets United's Poetry Pantry #404