For the (fictional) series, "Edges"
Narrator's voice
Cottage Down the Track
Narrator's voice
Cottage Down the Track
A dog barked from the secluded home
tucked between forest and water,
protesting at being left while its people
set out on the track to the market.
A Spartan dwelling, one might observe,
but cosy enough, and very private, away
from society's harm. Not for the gregarious,
it could suit the hardy and self-sufficient.
On balmy nights the sound of the sea
would be sweet reassurance. Although
they can't grow all they'd like in sandy soil,
they can grow enough. And they fish.
The startling reunion began with tentative talk
gradually replacing initial mistrust. After all,
there had been other loves of the heart, other
memories and losses. There's no going back.
What there is, is the action called "going forward".
They haven't mastered that art, perhaps won't
in whatever time's left. But they have chosen
to journey the next part of the adventure together.
They don't believe in or expect the fairytale
"Happy Ever After". But they have learned there are
Guardian Angels, even for recalcitrant lovers,
and they're willing to take some new chances.